
How do you get yourself out of depression? Right now i feel stuck, kind of frozen like in my mind, whenever I try to get myself to do something I can’t work up the motivation for it and I spend alot of time in my bed. I think I’m experiencing depression, although I don’t know I’m experiencing many of the symptoms, especially the feeling of hopelessness.

I don’t know what brought it on, I just think I’ve been trying to keep going for so long, when I don’t really have any support, or friends, or something to look forward to/ work towards that I’m just in a position where I feel defeated and exhausted. I’m not sure what to do as I’ve never felt this bad before and honestly I’m really worried about my future currently. 

i really want to live a life like everyone my age but it’s all proving difficult right now. I feel like I’m behind and am losing any sense of potential I have. I’m afraid of falling behind and ending up alone honestly, I want to have goals and I don’t want to have to rely on benefits all my life. 

If anyone has any advice on something related to that it would be appreciated? 

  • thank you for understanding. I agree it’s horrible and my emotions are also heightened since I’m currently unwell with some sort of virus. I hope you are not struggling too much and I’m also sorry that you have had to experience that, nobody should ever feel that alone.

  • I had some in the past but then was denied support as an adult but going to try seeking some more out even thou I’m not sure it’ll work.

  • I can relate to everything you've said in your post OP and I am sorry that you have to go through this. I know it's not easy and how alone and misunderstood it can make you feel.

    You are not alone I hope you know this.

    I first became depressed after my sister died in a car crash and then my parents health took a bad turn these last few months and now every day I feel depressed and like I'm stuck in this dark room where I can't get out of. It's lonely and it zaps my motivation. I've been called lazy and told to just get over it because I'm wasting my life away but it really isn't that easy. It's easy to look in from the outside and say these things but really people should try and see it from where you are rather than casting judgement.

    I don't know how to get my motivation back. Some days I wake up and it's there other days it's gone without a trace and I'm just in my room feeling crappy and like I'm at the bottom of this pit I can't get back up from.

    You could try meditation to try and help not only bring your motivation back and buy pick you up as well? A lot of people do this and find it helps them with their depression and their anxiety too.

    Depression is horrible, one of the worst things I've experienced. I wouldn't wish it on anybody.

  • thank you, i appreciate you being so understanding, not many people are 

  • I completely understand, I recommend going to the doctors if you can and try to talk about your worries of your mental health, they might be able to give some advice on how to deal with your problems, but if you ever need someone to talk to I’m always here if you need to chat about anything! 

  • thank you for the advice, I hope there is something that helps too, although I’m really struggling with my mental health at my moment and it’s worrying me so I don’t know what to do for that currently 

  • I get that! I relate to everything you just said, 

    it’s so hard to find the motivation to get out of my room. I’m currently on meds for my “low mood” and honestly I don’t think it helps. I’m so tired and burnt out all of the time and I too don’t have any friends to talk about my issues to. 
    however I have decided that maybe being on my own isn’t too bad and there’s a lot I can do to motivate myself like hobbies. I currently find going to the gym is a huge motivation, it gets me out of the house and makes me feel like I’m doing something good and I don’t have to really on my toxic friends that I’m trying to get rid of. It makes me feel better about myself and it’s making me want to keep going to get my perfect body. Sorry if it’s a lot of info lol 

    but I hope there’s something similar out there that keeps your mind set healthy because that’s what helps me!

    hope this helps!