What book are you reading?

I'm currently reading Catch 22 by J. Heller.

I first read this book at secondary school and quickly bought it when I was able to because I knew from my first time reading I would want to read it again and I have many times.

This book is masterful in so many ways. It begins as comic farce, proceeds to the increasingly surreal, and then transforms into a nightmarish tragedy before ending triumphantly. No novel that I know so successfully blends all these disparate moods. I believe it was Hugh Walpole who wrote, "Life is a comedy to those who think, and a tragedy to those who feel." No book illustrates that better than this novel. This truly is one of the funniest books I have ever read. It is also one of the most tragic.

Not many books I've read have been like this. It's a special book, well written, gripping and can actually bring my emotions to life something not many things can actually do.

If you haven't had the pleasure of reading this then I do highly recommend you giving it a try. It's a masterpiece!

Sorry that turned in to a review weirdly...excuse my weirdness, I'm eccentric. Rofl

  • Catch 22 is one of my favourites. Along with To kill a mockingbird, Of Mice and Men and Lord of the Flies. 

    Another awesome book is The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks. He writes two types of books. Sci Fi, and regular life. The Wasp Factory is a regular life book, but twisted. Amazing writer, sadly no longer with us. 

    Right now i am reading The Dark Half - Stephen King. 

    I love to read. I woke this morning at 5, made a herbal tea and read for an hour before i had to get up and ready for work. 

  • You have excellent taste in books! Blush

    Another awesome book is The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks. He writes two types of books. Sci Fi, and regular life. The Wasp Factory is a regular life book, but twisted. Amazing writer, sadly no longer with us. 

    Ohh! What a fantastic book that is! Blush I like all his books, whacky, weird but wonderful.

    I found him as an author interesting and did a lot of research on him. He had an amazing process as a writer, to produce about one book a year (alternating mainstream novels as Iain Banks and science fiction as Iain M. Banks).

    He’d spend nine months of the year not writing. He’d think about the next novel, but not write anything, instead driving around Scotland to distilleries, making music, whatever. Then, having heavily thought through the book, he’d sit down and write it in three months. Then back to nine months off. Pretty much a dream schedule!

  • You have excellent taste in books! Blush

    Another awesome book is The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks. He writes two types of books. Sci Fi, and regular life. The Wasp Factory is a regular life book, but twisted. Amazing writer, sadly no longer with us. 

    Ohh! What a fantastic book that is! Blush I like all his books, whacky, weird but wonderful.

    I found him as an author interesting and did a lot of research on him. He had an amazing process as a writer, to produce about one book a year (alternating mainstream novels as Iain Banks and science fiction as Iain M. Banks).

    He’d spend nine months of the year not writing. He’d think about the next novel, but not write anything, instead driving around Scotland to distilleries, making music, whatever. Then, having heavily thought through the book, he’d sit down and write it in three months. Then back to nine months off. Pretty much a dream schedule!

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