Demons targeting me

This morning's WAVE event, in Cookstown, had Tai Chi; which Christians aren't supposed to perform. Since then, crazy s**t happened me all day.

Had a few nervy moments driving, then Hope went spare around my MacBook. After that, my MacBook's charger stopped working properly. And the computer itself overheated.

Demons are meant to target the annointed. However, I need to calm down. Probably drink Chamomile tea before bed.

  • Had a few nervy moments driving, then Hope went spare around my MacBook. After that, my MacBook's charger stopped working properly. And the computer itself overheated.

    My laptop is playing up, therefore Satan must be attacking me? 

    Desmond - this is superstitious nonsense. Medieval level misguided. As an atheist who's read a lot of science books, I suggest you could do with breaking out of the Middle Ages. Start with Seven Brief Lessons on Physics by Carlo Rovelli and take things from there.

  • Or, alternatively, go full on Medieval, and hit the demons with:

    Crux sancta sit mihi lux
    Non draco sit mihi dux
    Vade retro satana
    Numquam suade mihi vana
    Sunt mala quae libas
    Ipse venena bibas

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