Demons targeting me

This morning's WAVE event, in Cookstown, had Tai Chi; which Christians aren't supposed to perform. Since then, crazy s**t happened me all day.

Had a few nervy moments driving, then Hope went spare around my MacBook. After that, my MacBook's charger stopped working properly. And the computer itself overheated.

Demons are meant to target the annointed. However, I need to calm down. Probably drink Chamomile tea before bed.

  • I believe that Hell Inc. (CEO. Lucifer) has outsourced digital awareness training to Microsoft, so your demons may, or may not, be enabled.

  • It's okay, my laptop has anti-virus software. No demons will be messing with me!

  • Or, alternatively, go full on Medieval, and hit the demons with:

    Crux sancta sit mihi lux
    Non draco sit mihi dux
    Vade retro satana
    Numquam suade mihi vana
    Sunt mala quae libas
    Ipse venena bibas

  • Frankly, it sounds like a lot of people on this thread could do with reading Richard Dawkins' God Delusion for some enlightenment.

    It's like those people who think they see Jesus' face in a baked potato, or some such. People will invent anything to try and confirm their unfounded beliefs. 

  • You mean POWERFUL demonic energies such as getting Desmond's laptop to stop working!? Ermagherd, fear the Prince of Evil Spirits people! Repent!!!

  • Had a few nervy moments driving, then Hope went spare around my MacBook. After that, my MacBook's charger stopped working properly. And the computer itself overheated.

    My laptop is playing up, therefore Satan must be attacking me? 

    Desmond - this is superstitious nonsense. Medieval level misguided. As an atheist who's read a lot of science books, I suggest you could do with breaking out of the Middle Ages. Start with Seven Brief Lessons on Physics by Carlo Rovelli and take things from there.

  • Hi Desmond, I'm sorry rumours surfaced. I will never understand how such rumours get airborne and spread so quickly, like a disease....I hope you're ok and not too badly affected by this.

    What's important is that you know that they are not true! 

    It's hard I know but try not to let what others think bother you. I used to let my worries of what others think rule my life.
    Leaving social media helped me a lot to deal with this. I got a lot of gaslighting from the people around me a few years ago, since moving in to my own place I'm a lot better now, though very isolated. I get intense loneliness but at times it's better than negativity from people.

  • Desmond......we (type) also need to be careful of out OWN thoughts and extrapolations too, at times.  I am, personally, MOST scared of myself....and what my mind is capable of.  An innocent comment ot two (from an innocent person, or two) can become an overwhelmingly self-evident conspiracy of hate and subterfuge against me in my own head.....whilst in reality, it is just NT people, shooting the BREEZE!  Although, then again.....hence why I am most scared of myself!  Judging one's own "accuracy" in such matters is a frigging minefield at times!

    Sleep peaceful!  The cold light of a new day (after a good night's sleep) will solve many a riddle in my experience. 

  • Now, I found out about TWO malicious rumours; concerning me.

    Last Thursday, a man came to my front door; asking if I bought another rental in the village. Then, an hour ago, I got a message from my uncle. After calling him, he thought I gave my Artist friend money; which is a lie. I told my uncle that my friendship with my buddy is above board.

    Again, monitoring spirits.

  • Don’t worry demons don’t exist. If they do I’ve never seen any. We all get bad luck from time to time. It’s certainly not demons though. 

  • Had a few nervy moments driving

    If you were driving 100 years ago, there would have been plenty of devout churchgoers who thought you were taking a ride in a stanic contraption, cavorting with the demon of internal combustion.

    Time and common sense have shown this to be complete piffle and I suspect the same can be said of the approach to Tai Chi from the religeous extremists in Cookstown.

    Listen to your inner voice in telling you if it feels like a bad thing to do. Don't trust the proclamations of others as the chances of God speaking to them and saying it is very naughty are so remote as to be incalculably small.

    Hot beverages are the most common form of drink in China too, the source of Tai Chi so does that make them demonic in nature too?

    Use your own intellect to filter the common sense from the extremism and you will be fine.

  • That sounded like a rough day. I hope the chamomile tea helped. When I'm feeling anxious and need a break I drink chamomile tea, it is a calming drink, never fails to relax me and make me feel better.

  • I used to be pretty scared when I read the demons or devils but I am no longer scared of them. Try not to be fearful. If you are a Christians Jesus said don't be scared of the devil. Get thee hence Satan he said. Don't be scared of that worthless thing. Wish you the best.

  • As a devout traditional Catholic, compared to my teens in the 1980’s, I’m very careful about certain spiritual things that Catholics are strictly forbidden from doing, especially since Covid, as it attracts certailn demonic energies 

  • It's good to be self aware and conscious of risks.  It is bad to be hoodwinked by "normal" unreal  threats, whether implied or imposed ....... that are normally the result of too much Hollywood!.....or a guilty conscience (whether merited or otherwise.)

    Heal thy self brother!.....and remember that you brought Hope into your life.  Sometimes, the little things matter....paws for thought.

  • Good to see you’re still here Number 

  • Wise words from Juniper there.......I hope you read them before bed Desmond.

  • Perhaps. 

    Still not ready to sleep. 

  • I've known people who've thrown out their entire record collexion because they were told all 'secular' music was demonic. I've heard everything from yoga to pokemon cards are a conduit of demonic activity and will corrupt the soul.

    But here's what I've also found: A thing only has so much power as you ascribe to it. 

    I've also found that driving under the influence of overwhelming emotions is severely dangerous. And a conflict that comes from doing something we want to do, though told it has magical powers and is forbidden, can create enough of a 'charge' of emotion to put us in danger. 

    John Wimbledon who was one of the founders of the Vineyard churches used to say, "Love G-d and do what you want". Because all you have to do is begin to engage in the act of being loved by G-d (it's not a one-way thing) and nothing else will matter much. You'll find the things you want to do align with what you know to be true. It's what is meant by being 'given the desires of our hearts' - given, like an injection of sorts. 

    C.S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters are a good read. I does sound like it'll take a little more than some stretchy exercise to lure you to the dark side. If you're going to be corrupted by a demon, it won't be obvious. And it certainly won't make you want to confess.