How do I help my 15 year old son. He isn’t engaging in life.


my son is 15 and was diagnosed as autistic 3 years ago now. He stopped attending school over a year ago and had been struggling for some time. He very much cares what his friends think and has been deeply devastated by his inability to return to school. he has a lot of anxiety and has become more and more withdrawn.  He now no longer leaves his room and doesn’t engage with his family. He doesn’t engage in any schooling, we have tried online and tutors. He won’t watch tv, or do anything in the home. He is on his computer or phone his entire waking hours. He stays up all night and sleeps all day. He doesn’t wash or dress regularly, doesn't do anything at all for himself. He doesn’t engage with CAMHS who think that he has created a new reality for himself which he can cope with, one that he feels safe. I know that he’s depressed and wants more in his life, he used to love to socialise and would come alive when he was with his peers. But he can’t  socialise with them now, he has nothing in his life to motivate him. No interests or anything. I have tried everything and I don’t care about school I just want to find some way to help him feel happy and do things. If anyone has had any success with trying to get back to any basic routines from a situation like this I would love to hear about it. I will try anything and do anything! Many thanks 

  • Hi, I've a 14year old son who's exactly the same he's been out of school for 6years no I home educated him when he allows me, like  your son I know mine wants more from life he had all these great ideas he wanted to travel, see new places and try new foods (has a very restrictive diet) and now nothing it's like he's just existing, we don't have chams involvement anymore as they say they "can't help him" it breaks my heart that he's just cooped up in his room with curtains drawn all the time he's just shut out the world and can't seem to find a way back in. I wish I knew what to do to help him 

  • Sorry to hear you are in a similar situation. It is indeed heartbreaking and so difficult to live your own life when your child is so lost and so sad. I hope things get better for you and your son soon. My son is into gaming and I have heard about a kind of mentoring service that builds relationships through gaming. It was set up by a parent who was in a similar situation. Don’t know if that’s something that might be interesting to you but maybe worth a look. It’s called mindjam. 

  • Sorry to hear you are in a similar situation. It is indeed heartbreaking and so difficult to live your own life when your child is so lost and so sad. I hope things get better for you and your son soon. My son is into gaming and I have heard about a kind of mentoring service that builds relationships through gaming. It was set up by a parent who was in a similar situation. Don’t know if that’s something that might be interesting to you but maybe worth a look. It’s called mindjam. 

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