Should I be authentic or keep a low profile?

I’ve done the RAADS-R assessment and scored 142, so it’s highly likely I’m autistic. There’s a wait of at least 10 months for an official diagnosis in my NHS area, so I self-diagnosed after doing several online assessments, but I was told the RAADS was the most accurate. My question is, I’m 68, and I’ve evidently been boring the pants off everyone  during my lifetime with my constant conversations about my obsessions. I’m currently getting my head around the fact that I probably have autism. I feel a bit stunned, but many things now make sense. What are everyone’s opinions about being your authentic self (babbling included) or continuing to try and mask and not talk so much? My instinct is to crawl into my shell and keep quiet. I don’t want to be an irritation to people I know.

I’d be interested in your views on this.

  • I would say what do you hope to achieve from it.  Peace of mind, knowing or recognition that you have this particular upgrade over NT's? Stuck out tongue

    When I did mine I got a piece of paper and yes I could use said piece of paper to force an employer to conform (and many didn't before that for other issues, so I am yet to see whether it is worth the cost of printing).  No one treated me any different after it, my parents still deny it, my sister bregrudgingly accepts it and the rest of my siblings, well I honestly don't care what they think.

    You survived for 68 years by learning to adapt.  if people find you boring, well you can't please everyone. Slight smile

  • Thanks for your feedback, _Pathfinder_ Slight smile

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