Should I be authentic or keep a low profile?

I’ve done the RAADS-R assessment and scored 142, so it’s highly likely I’m autistic. There’s a wait of at least 10 months for an official diagnosis in my NHS area, so I self-diagnosed after doing several online assessments, but I was told the RAADS was the most accurate. My question is, I’m 68, and I’ve evidently been boring the pants off everyone  during my lifetime with my constant conversations about my obsessions. I’m currently getting my head around the fact that I probably have autism. I feel a bit stunned, but many things now make sense. What are everyone’s opinions about being your authentic self (babbling included) or continuing to try and mask and not talk so much? My instinct is to crawl into my shell and keep quiet. I don’t want to be an irritation to people I know.

I’d be interested in your views on this.

  • Dude (or dudess)'re 68, so you already know the correct answer?

    Tis neither one nor tuther......but an unholy mix of the both!

    I have learnt (through experimentation) that caution and stoic restraint are safer than "loud and proud" for our generation.  Moreover, please prepare yourself for the fact that nothing (tangible) will change if/when you are formally "labeled" or otherwise.

    I wholeheartedly recommend making peace with your own resolution about yourself......and trust me....that ain't as easy as I make it sound!



  • Thanks for your insight, Number. I’m a dudess, by the way. I’m not finding it easy to come to terms with my self-diagnosis, in any way, but I’ll plough on, regardless 

  • Fwiw, of all the billions of self-professed people who can "help you" online with "all matters autism" (none of whom connected with me and my feelings)......I personally found the truth and authenticity of Temple Grandin to be very helpful to me.  No sham, no show.....just a thinking man's wise person....who told me how I was.

  • Fwiw, of all the billions of self-professed people who can "help you" online with "all matters autism" (none of whom connected with me and my feelings)......I personally found the truth and authenticity of Temple Grandin to be very helpful to me.  No sham, no show.....just a thinking man's wise person....who told me how I was.
