Burned out?

Hello folks. For the last three months, I think I've been feeling quite really stressed for about a month or two now, and I'm pretty much convinced that it's burnout in the last couple of weeks. I think I've been indulging a whole lot deeper into my interests to the point of neglecting my health (to a degree), but then again, what else is there to do, aside from sitting in front of the computer and playing bass? My focus on other topics had pretty much been brushed away, including writing/reading things, too. And then there's being stuck in chaotic environments for most of the weekdays (I'm afraid I cannot elaborate on that any further) and having to be stuck listening to my dad's rants on things, no matter how petty. His habit hadn't improved after the Autism diagnosis, either—not like he's going to improve at any point, the number of suggestions be damned. In fact, I don't think the cycle is going to change any time soon, so I'm just stuck in the loop with no way to break it.

Sorry for sort-of venting. Maybe I'm still a bit uncomfortable with doing that online... but at least I've gotten that off my chest, so I suppose that's good, although I've left out some things—it's 10 PM, as of writing, after all.

  • Sounds like burn out to me.  It also sounds like the folk around you need some education around that.  I'm glad you are indulging your interests, it's one of the best ways to recover.  Set yourself a little alarm reminder or something to make sure you do the essentials on self care - like eating etc.

  • Hey. I'm sorry you are feeling like this, it certainly could be burnout and if it is then the only way to recover is to try and de-stress yourself, so remove all the things - (or limit them) - and rest whenever you can. Rest is the best medicine and this is definitely true with burnout. You are literally exhausted in every way and your body and mind needs time to recover, if you force yourself to get better it will set you back...

    I'm still recovering from burnout after a lot of stress occuring this year and it's been horrific, like a nightmare that is endless and keeps going. I put the hoover round yesterday and I was in bed all afternoon and all night. Generally I can't sleep but I do need to rest a lot because of the burnout.

    I hope you start feeling better soon. Vent away, it's good for you, better than keeping things bottled up.

  • I have burnout, now. Completely floored, today, after a busy day; yesterday. Last night, I was sorting out my bed. I was up from 6 am to 11 pm. Total wipeout this morning.