Drained after going out

I don't get out very much at all. 

But I went into town yesterday morning and by lunch I had a headache, by the evening I was exhausted and by bed I was feeling pain in the abdomen, chest, everywhere really and at 2 I woke up with the worst acid reflux (a regular occurrence for me)... all caused by anxiety and all because I went out yesterday.

This I find it so frustrating and a little upsetting and embarrassing. I don't go out much because the idea of people and public places is terrifying to me, sometimes I drive to the shop but get filled with so much dread and fear I can't actually get out the car and end up going back home. But yesterday I was brave - I persisted. 

I knew I would suffer for it afterwards. I always do. I can look forward to today with more acid reflux and pain.

Sometimes, I really hate myself for being like this.

  • Hi . Slight smile

    Welcome to the online community. I'm sorry you're suffering after what sounds like a big day for you yesterday. You don't need to feel ashamed of yourself, look at the positive, you did go out yesterday and it was a success.

    So well done for that. Blush 

    I think you should rest up today and be kind to yourself. I suffer from GERD and Colitis and when my acid reflux is bad I use Gaviscon, liquid form and that works for me. Not giving medical advice but that's what I use. See your doctor if it persists, they might suggest it or give you something else to help manage it.

    Have a good restful day.

  • Hi thanks. Things are a bit better I just took a short nap and I do feel a lot better having got some rest. I don't have a good relationship with my GP but I will go to him in the end if I need the intervention but at the moment I cope.

    Today will be spent resting and I might listen to some of my CDs this afternoon as I do some gaming Grinning 

    Thanks for replying I hope you have a great day.

  • I'm glad you're feeling a bit better.

    Thank you! Have a great day!

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