Are there any antidepressants that don't make you feel like ***? (sensitivity to side effects)

Please fucking help. I've been on Citalopram 10mg and that made me really sick and even more suicidal. I've been prescribed Fluoxetine recently which has scary side effects still, but is it more likely to make me worse because of its sensitivity? The sexual side effects are scariest, then nausea and vomiting is second. 

  • I state that it is not medical advice; they are not. I can tell you to ask a specialized doctor. § They are old generation drugs, we go back to 1969 as the date of discovery if I remember correctly. Marketed in 1985. With an idea of selectivity. So the idea was very good.There is an opposite category of SSREs, enanchers and these are SSRIs inhibitors. The first was unsuccessful, then the second yes, the third is very famous, then there are really many others. The doctor explained to me the effects that each drug actually has, he was unable to tell me how they work, but that they are selective ::It is assumed that they work in one way on male NT individuals,On NT women she said they hadn't been tested then, yes now, and some seem to work very well.Autistic : we are different , so it is writing you about something different in different and in your exceptionality of a different person. A rebus within the rebus, paraphrasing Sir Winston Churchill (he was answering a question about the USSR at the time9::§Citalopram, it doesn't mean anything that you hired him, it must always be established by the specialized person the modality, the quantity, the timing as Tris wrote if I am not mistaken. § There is one with a different formulation even if similar, escitalopram. § Attention because as many have said here, our extreme sensitivity counts for autistics, and following the dosages, keep in touch with the doctor especially in the initial phase, who evaluates. §They weren't useful in my case. But one must never say they wouldn't be for anyone: it wouldn't be correct. if you have the leaflet underline your doubts and ask him

    §Nobody or hardly anyone does it and then they ask us for advice as we are not doctors. §If they work as they rightly wrote, they need weeks at a valid dosage. §Usually doctors do good for their patients. Usually we are so different .I was very bad, but it's my case and that's it.My case and that's it: initial gastric bleeding.(In my case, I stress it carefully):§I stress that this is NOT medical advice from which I distance myself, but only my experience §There is precision medicine, doctors are clear that they can understand the right drug or not in a very short time, without trying. A medical exam is enough, which you will obtain only on request, and is non-invasive. A blood marker test. § From there you can avoid any problems by following an established procedure, this is at least in our national health system. §You don't go by chance and you don't go by trial and error, but by specific medical tests. in which the doctors will be able to establish with certainty which works or not. §A) Medical advice b) Asking doctors for very simple blood tests that have been around for a long time.c) Never interrupting a drug can have serious consequences D) Believe only in doctors: trust me) the therapy must be associated with a psychological therapy adapted to the autism spectrum, therefore specific and not generalistf) Absolutely never use do-it-yourself drugs of any kind, nor use what you have at home, without a clear medical requestg) Evaluating an exact diagnosis for an autistic is not easy, therefore contact those who understand us, because we are not like NTf) do not look at the Internet: there are too many fakes and they lead people in an evident state of confusion into very serious errors. g) from ex student, I write to you that many problems are really similar to each other only a medical diagnosis solves these, and some are also for us as identical .h)Like any drug in the world there are side effects and potentially useful effects.This is evidenti)Who he uses drugs he must be respected: he has courage, he takes care, and he is certainly not an ***. He has a lot of courage. § I will end with the fact that I am not at all responsive to any drug, I am worse off, and they have certified it several times. I am not responsive to psychological therapies: I don't understand them. But I would like to write to you that they are from effective meta-analytic studies, some obviously cannot be studied on a large scale, and for that reason they do not have meta-analytic studies because they are also not homogeneous. § If you are not sure you have done the right choice, ask another specialist.§Ask for a differential diagnosis.§Never abandon therapy on the advice of strangers, and others on the web.§Always: be careful because it is best not to be left alone in the first phase.§I hope to not have violated any rule. In case you have my consent to the immediate elimination of the written post. §

  • I state that it is not medical advice; they are not. I can tell you to ask a specialized doctor. § They are old generation drugs, we go back to 1969 as the date of discovery if I remember correctly. Marketed in 1985. With an idea of selectivity. So the idea was very good.There is an opposite category of SSREs, enanchers and these are SSRIs inhibitors. The first was unsuccessful, then the second yes, the third is very famous, then there are really many others. The doctor explained to me the effects that each drug actually has, he was unable to tell me how they work, but that they are selective ::It is assumed that they work in one way on male NT individuals,On NT women she said they hadn't been tested then, yes now, and some seem to work very well.Autistic : we are different , so it is writing you about something different in different and in your exceptionality of a different person. A rebus within the rebus, paraphrasing Sir Winston Churchill (he was answering a question about the USSR at the time9::§Citalopram, it doesn't mean anything that you hired him, it must always be established by the specialized person the modality, the quantity, the timing as Tris wrote if I am not mistaken. § There is one with a different formulation even if similar, escitalopram. § Attention because as many have said here, our extreme sensitivity counts for autistics, and following the dosages, keep in touch with the doctor especially in the initial phase, who evaluates. §They weren't useful in my case. But one must never say they wouldn't be for anyone: it wouldn't be correct. if you have the leaflet underline your doubts and ask him

    §Nobody or hardly anyone does it and then they ask us for advice as we are not doctors. §If they work as they rightly wrote, they need weeks at a valid dosage. §Usually doctors do good for their patients. Usually we are so different .I was very bad, but it's my case and that's it.My case and that's it: initial gastric bleeding.(In my case, I stress it carefully):§I stress that this is NOT medical advice from which I distance myself, but only my experience §There is precision medicine, doctors are clear that they can understand the right drug or not in a very short time, without trying. A medical exam is enough, which you will obtain only on request, and is non-invasive. A blood marker test. § From there you can avoid any problems by following an established procedure, this is at least in our national health system. §You don't go by chance and you don't go by trial and error, but by specific medical tests. in which the doctors will be able to establish with certainty which works or not. §A) Medical advice b) Asking doctors for very simple blood tests that have been around for a long time.c) Never interrupting a drug can have serious consequences D) Believe only in doctors: trust me) the therapy must be associated with a psychological therapy adapted to the autism spectrum, therefore specific and not generalistf) Absolutely never use do-it-yourself drugs of any kind, nor use what you have at home, without a clear medical requestg) Evaluating an exact diagnosis for an autistic is not easy, therefore contact those who understand us, because we are not like NTf) do not look at the Internet: there are too many fakes and they lead people in an evident state of confusion into very serious errors. g) from ex student, I write to you that many problems are really similar to each other only a medical diagnosis solves these, and some are also for us as identical .h)Like any drug in the world there are side effects and potentially useful effects.This is evidenti)Who he uses drugs he must be respected: he has courage, he takes care, and he is certainly not an ***. He has a lot of courage. § I will end with the fact that I am not at all responsive to any drug, I am worse off, and they have certified it several times. I am not responsive to psychological therapies: I don't understand them. But I would like to write to you that they are from effective meta-analytic studies, some obviously cannot be studied on a large scale, and for that reason they do not have meta-analytic studies because they are also not homogeneous. § If you are not sure you have done the right choice, ask another specialist.§Ask for a differential diagnosis.§Never abandon therapy on the advice of strangers, and others on the web.§Always: be careful because it is best not to be left alone in the first phase.§I hope to not have violated any rule. In case you have my consent to the immediate elimination of the written post. §

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