Please reply if you have the time, Interested into your opinion

Hello, my name is Thinesh and I am creating this discussion to ask of your opinion on a GCSE NEA DT brief. For my DT NEA Project, I am going to try and create a product which helps people (mainly those with autism) to be less stressed and anxious within public areas. I am currently working on my DT NEA project and require some additional opinions on my potential product. Since this is a discussion about autism, I would like to receive some feedback directly from people who have this as I believe that it can benefit me greatly. If you can, please could you reply to this with some needs and wants that you think I should apply towards the creation of my product? That will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Please can you submit your needs and wants about this design brief attached below, Thanks.

To design a product which helps the user to reduce their anxiety while in crowded areas/public spaces. It should be suitable to be used by a range of different age groups and can be used in various scenarios.

  • I think to begin with, perhaps considering the language used might be a good start - the majority of the autistic community prefer it to be written as 'autistic people' as opposed to 'people with autism' (not all, but most!). I would also steer clear of using language like 'suffer from' around autism - we don't suffer from autism, we just have differently wired brains and ways of looking at and coping with the world. Slight smile

    As for the actual project, I think perhaps something which someone could use to distract themselves if they're getting anxious like a sensory soothing game might be good..? Some sort of puzzle/pattern based thing which also had a textural aspect to it for calming? 

  • I think to begin with, perhaps considering the language used might be a good start - the majority of the autistic community prefer it to be written as 'autistic people' as opposed to 'people with autism' (not all, but most!). I would also steer clear of using language like 'suffer from' around autism - we don't suffer from autism, we just have differently wired brains and ways of looking at and coping with the world. Slight smile

    As for the actual project, I think perhaps something which someone could use to distract themselves if they're getting anxious like a sensory soothing game might be good..? Some sort of puzzle/pattern based thing which also had a textural aspect to it for calming? 

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