Let off steam in here thread.

Do you get  angry?  I get angry.  A "friend" of mine is making me angry today.  If you get angry then this is  the thread to let off steam.  All those irritating NT's winding you up.  You'd like to bury them in a shallow grave wouldn't you?  *Hold on there is someone at the door*

*Sound of man being dragged away by White Coated individuals*

  • The road I took, to Cookstown, this afternoon, to collect my friend's injections, was closed; due to installing gas pipes. Getting back from the detour, to my friend's, caught me up in School Run traffic. Fortunately, an Indian man driving a souped up Ford let me turn right.

  • The road I took, to Cookstown, this afternoon, to collect my friend's injections, was closed; due to installing gas pipes. Getting back from the detour, to my friend's, caught me up in School Run traffic. Fortunately, an Indian man driving a souped up Ford let me turn right.

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