Noise and Sound Problems

If your child (or one in your care) complains about noises or sound, this is a quick summary of sound levels, sound frequencies and how it affects human health:

As a note: 70dB to 85dB is a non-stop level in public spaces currently. A 2 hour movie can often reach 90 - 95 if not louder. 

110-124dB is the level of new hand dryers in public loos.

Electric vehicles, scooters and LEDs resonate at a piercing high frequency: wear ear plugs and defenders when near the streets - you cannot get your hearing back!

Parents Reply Children
  • I don't know what my pain level is, just that I would not go into a nightclub! Possibly would struggle to be able to, one time I was unable to walk into a hall with loud musicians, it felt like the sound was a wall I could not walk past a certain point. Loud vehicles passing make me flinch and some jets flew over a recent cycle ride, I had to stop and put my hands over my ears.

    I also no longer to the cinema, mostly due to sound levels, but also the seats ore not comfortable and last time I went it was too cold. I would far rather wait until I can watch a film on my TV in the comfort of my own home!