
I’ve heard the term “masking” in relation to autism - I don’t know what this means - does it mean pretending that you don’t have Autism? Someone told me it’s pretending to be intelligent by using “big words” when someone knows too much about certain things (that it is deemed they should not know anything about) and not enough about those things that everyone else “should” know about and where such people need to get “put in thier place” 

  • Thank you all for these replies - in my teenage years when I thought I was gay, I did not “come out” until much later on, so it sounds a bit similar to this - now, although I still self-identify as gay, I don’t associate with nor support the gay community because of the (hypocritical) prejudice and discrimination that I’ve experienced (within) the gay community in the 30 years before my diagnosis because of my Irish Catholic only child Rural background and after 15 years, the behaviour of the gay community since, including during Covid - older and wiser, I’d now have the “cop on” not to do so - I understand why people mask (like staying in the closet, for various reasons) but I don’t think I’d do it now, because I live by the principle of being committed to the truth as the most important thing, being open and honest and not hiding anything 

  • Thank you all for these replies - in my teenage years when I thought I was gay, I did not “come out” until much later on, so it sounds a bit similar to this - now, although I still self-identify as gay, I don’t associate with nor support the gay community because of the (hypocritical) prejudice and discrimination that I’ve experienced (within) the gay community in the 30 years before my diagnosis because of my Irish Catholic only child Rural background and after 15 years, the behaviour of the gay community since, including during Covid - older and wiser, I’d now have the “cop on” not to do so - I understand why people mask (like staying in the closet, for various reasons) but I don’t think I’d do it now, because I live by the principle of being committed to the truth as the most important thing, being open and honest and not hiding anything 

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