Any single girls aged between 29-40 on here?

Are there any single, heterosexual girls on here aged between 29-40 in North East Wales, Chester and surrounding areas?

I have tried pretty much all the mainstream dating sites since late 2018 with “interesting results”. Pre-Pandemic, I was stood up four times, twice by the same girl. For one of these no shows, I travelled on two trains with no reply but they had read my messages. One of the two by the same girl, I waited in a Wrexham coffee shop for two hours with excuse after excuse coming my way. At least, I could watch the famous Ben Stokes Headingley Ashes Test of 2019 on my phone at the time! None of these girls were Neurodiverse. 

One girl, who was autistic and a Headteacher, heavily criticised my entire family without even meeting them before saying I wasn’t enough of an Alpha make for her. Made sense that she had been divorced twice. Her profiles pictures online were a bit “risqué” to say for someone in her alleged profession. 

Then there was one girl I went on two dates with, who I had my first kiss with aged 34, who asked to stop dating before getting her best mate from work to send me a long message via text before the girl messaged herself messaged me via WhatsApp and Text (before I blocked her on both. She was back on a well known dating site by this point. She then emailed me asking me to marry her! Incredibly this girl, who wasn’t Neurodiverse, worked with autistic adults, had children of her own and had run to her local Tory councillor. My late, beloved mother phoned her to ask her to leave me while I was out at a Welsh Premier football match.

Just before the Pandemic, I realised that it was best to date Neurodiverse girls. So, after meeting up with a girl for three months who had one Neurodiverse condition and possibly another Pre-Pandemic I took a break when it was going off. I lost my late, beloved mother, who had done literally everything for me, during the Pandemic very suddenly with COVID and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease so I wasn’t in the right frame anyway.

Post-Pandemic I had my first ever girlfriend at the age of 37. We were together for the first six months of 2022 before distance travelling of us going in between me in Wrexham and her “Mancheshire” get the better of us. She was Epileptic so didn’t drive and neither did I after trying to drive an automatic for two years of lessons either side of the Pandemic. I really enjoyed this experience and we really liked each other family’s too. 

So, now I am asking if there are any single, heterosexual girls on here aged between 29-40 in Wrexham, Flintshire, Chester and very near surrounding areas to talk to after explaining the above. 

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