Stuck, depressed, need to escape from this situation, uncontrollable binging

Hi, I have been struggling a lot recently- I am very unhappy in my current work situation and it has taken a huge toll on my physical and mental health: I was working so much and did not take care of myself so that I lost so much weight that I almost ended up in hospital. I am also mentally completely burnt out. I am now back to a normal weight (after being 7 weeks off from work a few weeks ago) but I am still utterly burnt out and I have recently had massive issues with overeating and binging (completely out of control, several times a week where I eat 7 ice creams or a whole cake or 4-5 pastries etc. in one sitting :(). I think this is a manifestation of my stress and despair but is still extremely hard to deal with as I feel so helpless and already struggle with digestive issues under normal circumstances, so these binges are extremely painful and I don't seem able to stop and I am not sure what to do about this. I think if I can get out of this situation I probably will no longer feel compelled to engage in this detrimental coping mechanism but it is a very vicious cycle. 

I am a scientist and I moved abroad to Germany in September to start working in my current lab. I started as an intern with the hope of staying on for a PhD. I was extremely excited and enthusiastic when I started and after 2 months I was told that I could stay as a PhD student and that I would be employed part-time (this is usual in Germany) from beginning December. In the end my contract didn't come through until the end of February (with no back pay) and I ended up in financial difficulties and in a difficult situation. My current contract goes until mid-August and it doesn't look like there is funding for my position after that. In addition I feel very unhappy at work as I feel unsupported and I am concerned that there are some bad practices going on (ie bad science). so that I have become very doubtful of some of the data and I feel like I cannot learn in this lab. I am inexperienced myself and I want to be somewhere where I can learn, where I have a good mentor and where I feel mentally stimulated and not just lost and overworked. 

I have finally decided that I need to leave this lab. I still want to do a PhD but realistically I probably will only be able to start in autumn 2023 (due to funding deadlines) so I will need to find a temporary job until then. However I am stressed out and anxious as I am so worried that I am the problem and that it is my fault that things didn't work out and that I will fail no matter where I go. The people in my work place have at times been very nice to me so this confuses me and I just feel like an utter failure at this point. I am also panicking as I am so desperate to get out but I am really undecided about what I should do and I am struggling to write applications and I have no idea where I will live. Going to live with family is not an option so I have nowhere to go. 

I am even more stressed now as some friends have pointed out 2 job opportunities in labs for which the deadlines to apply are Tuesday/Wednesday. I feel like I should apply (even if I am not sure that I want to take the position), but this is making me feel extremely stressed and overwhelmed to the point where I am non-stop binging and in an utter state of panic. I just feel overwhelmed and I am not sure if these jobs are even right for me and if I should really engage in a full time job in a lab again straight away. I was thinking maybe just applying would make me feel empowered but it is really taking a toll on me at the moment so I am not sure what to do- I am panicking. 

What I really want is to move back to Cambridge (where I studied and have friends and feel at home), but I am not sure how I can fund this and if I can realistically organise this- I have even considered taking a part time non-science related job there (eg. in a supermarket or college etc, plus maybe some tutoring) but I don't know. If I did this I would probably still be able to help out a bit in my old lab if I wanted to and was missing science.  I just feel so lost right now as I feel overwhelmed and feel like I just need time to think this all through... but I am so scared that if I do not move fast with applications, I might miss out on good job opportunities and stay stuck here, which is horrible. I also have no idea how I will cope to continue working until August- the past week I was so depressed I barely managed anything and I kept thinking that life was just not worth living anymore. I still have some hope but I am in such a dark place and state of despair. I just want to get out but I seem to lack the energy to build my path out of this mess- but I don't think I can bear being stuck in my current situation any longer. 

I don't really know how anyone can help at this point and I'm sorry if this post is completely random. I just really needed to talk about this and I guess I just wanted to feel less alone in this mess. I recently realised that I am probably autistic which has been a huge revelation but it has also been very confusing and overwhelming. I think that is the main thing I am feeling right now... utterly overwhelmed, paralysed and in a state of panic. 

  • I always envisioned moving to Canada. However, it never materialised. My modus operandi is to hide and not look after myself. I had brains to burn, but I couldn't cope with a work environment. 

    Good luck trying to return to Cambridge. It's all about finding one's niche. 

  • I always envisioned moving to Canada. However, it never materialised. My modus operandi is to hide and not look after myself. I had brains to burn, but I couldn't cope with a work environment. 

    Good luck trying to return to Cambridge. It's all about finding one's niche. 

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