
I'm hoping I'm not alone in this

But does anyone else get loads of pain all day every day? For some reason I'm in pain all the time, and I don't mean just aches though sometimes they are just aches but also really bad stabbing pain, usually in stomach, side and private area or near it. Like wtf is up with that? Already seen loads of doctors and been to hospital so many times and nothing ever showed up which made me look and sound nuts. But it's genuine, loads of pain all the time. Also get feeling of sickness a lot as well.

Last month I've started getting it in my head as well, at the back of my head and sides as well. Been feeling dizzy as well. Don't know what it is or how to make it better, it starts, gets bad sometimes severe and then a few hours later it eases up. Really weird

I know people with autism can be oversensitive to pain and also can have digestive issues. So I put it down to that but last few months it has got a lot worse, could be my anxiety as I do suffer bad from that

But it's also making me feel suicidal, like thoughts and feelings because if this is for the long run and there is no help then I really find want to stick around for that.

Mostly I like life but I'm not hanging around if I'm going to be in pain until I'm like 80. I'm not even 26 yet and already I'm in more pain than most people are. It sucks

And then there's the feeling sick, the dizziness, the digestive stuff, like holy hell wtf is going on

You guys get this to or is it just me?

I'm finding it hard to live with now and don't know who go to with it as doctors and hospitals found nothing

Makes me feel crazy but I know I'm not. At a loss now

  • Bless you. Sounds awful.

    We do feel physical stuff differently, so it's important you aren't dismissed by medical people just 'cos your not fitting the box. 

    Have they given you meds of any kind for anything that acts on your neurology. They can do wierd unexpected stuff to us and might want reviewing.

    Also wierd aches and pains can occur with burnout. I've had those. Is that a possibility? Have you been doing too much, been too stressed of late?

    Whatever it is I doubt it can last for ever. It's going to have a cause and when you find that you'll find an answer.

    I get the body experience provokes suicidal ideation, even though you otherwise quite like life thing. Been there. But you are young yet, you just need to hang on in there and push for answers. It may feel like there's no end to this, but keep going. There will be an answer.

  • Hi Dawn

    In the past medical people have just dismissed me just because, really unfair but that seems to be the way

    No sadly no meds yet, doctor seem reluctant to give me anything yet

    Yeah you know it could be burnout I mean I am on edge and stressed out all the time day and night. Worrying and stressed about everything and get little sleep because of it. I did try telling doctor that but she just looked at me like I was crazy

    Thank you Dawn. I hope I will get the answers soon. I can't keep being like this forever, feel tired and drained like I'm burning out

    Pain had eased today but it has increased again tonight in agony at the moment

    Hopefully it will get better and doctor will find cause soon

    Thanks Dawn xx

  • Sounds like you need a doctor who knows a bit more about autism... both the psychological side; the tendency to worry and stress; and the physical side.  If burn out is causing it, the only fix is rest and you might need time off.

Reply Children
  • Doctors can be great but there so lacking in know how when it comes to autism

     They need to be trained in it I think, they always blank it with me. My current doctor is great but whenever I mention it

    She just pushes it aside and talks about other health problems I may or do have.

    I try to rest when possible but I'm always so awake and on the go it's like my brain can't and won't shutdown

    I tried getting new job recently but wasn't successful, I'm lucky to have something now but I just can't afford to take time off things to expensive

    And now looks like my health is in trouble so got to deal with that too :(

    Sooo much going on feel like I'm trapped in a nightmare