So frustrated


Had a screw-up in my care chain just before Christmas that left me without my main mood stabilizer for 5 days, and touched off a major depressive episode that sent me into a dangerous place, and has barely improved even after being back on that missing medication for almost a solid month.
So my prescriber got me on an intro dose of Latuda, and it has made a difference in my mental state but good GODDAMN, the nausea...I can't deal with it. It says "take with food," and so I do. I eat a solid meal and then wait a good 15 min before taking it, and then 5-10 minutes later, it's clammy, jittery, headachy, woozy, jaw-clenching, heart-burning, stomach-twisting, don't-touch-me-or-talk-to-me-or-look-at-me-too-hard-I'm-barely-keeping-it-together SICK feeling. And it drags on FOREVER.
I'm not sure what would happen if I just quit cold turkey; I've only been on it for about a week. I don't want to plunge back into the abyss, because that's never a good thing, but I'm a week out from a major event at work that I'm orchestrating, and I really need to be firing on all cylinders. Which, of course, I won't be if I'm feeling that sick, but damn, there's got to be a solution, right?
I'm going to contact my prescriber first thing tomorrow and see if they can give me some advice ahead of our next appointment, but in the meantime, I feel like garbage.

  • I'm sorry you're struggling so much with your medication

    Sounds really horrible to be going through. Are there any anti nausea tablets or liquids you could take to help ease it

    Hopefully your prescriber can help you deal with this

    Here if you need to talk/vent

    Take care x


  • I'm sorry you're struggling so much with your medication

    Sounds really horrible to be going through. Are there any anti nausea tablets or liquids you could take to help ease it

    Hopefully your prescriber can help you deal with this

    Here if you need to talk/vent

    Take care x


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