How do you find your happiness?


When you feel like that depression is settling in, and this is it.

How do you find that happiness?

How do you find the power to see another day?

When depression hugs you and says, “this is what you deserve and this is where you belong” how do you say, “no I deserve better”

What helps you?

  • When depression hugs you and says,

    Hi there,

    I think that everyone finds their own coping strategies and what works for them as an individual but I think there are some key truths about emotional states that will universally work for everyone.

    Taking the pressure off to feel happy when that is not your internal state of mind.  Telling yourself that you have rode the storm before and come through.  Allowing yourself time to rest more because intense emotions are draining so mind and body rest is important.  Finding a form of exercise that works for you - dancing to music when cooking even if you aren't feeling it - pacing back and forth while on the phone to a supportive person - walking somewhere in nature.  Anything that changes what you are doing in that moment.

    All experiences are valid and there to learn from.  Moving through and learning to accept pain and reach out in the unbearable parts is important to show you how incredibly strong you are.  Yes, it's brutal but you have done it before and you can do it again.  You can. You are asking on here so you are fighting which's commendable.  Life is hard.  Life is so painful and there is not always a logical reason as to why traumatic things happen.  Life often seems unfair.  Here is the thing though, as long as the human race has been around, pain has too.  It is an important part of existence that bonds people on a deep level as they too know it.  

    My pain is still here.  It changes and that's where I take comfort.  I compare the me of now with the me of past.  Had I been successful in dying, I wouldn't be here writing these words to you.  I wouldn't have the experience of being a mother.  I wouldn't have shown my strength in helping my Mum when my Dad died.  I wouldn't have smelled the scent of thirsty plants after rain.

    Everyone has their own experience but we are together in our human existence.

    Sending vibes of understanding your way.

  • When depression hugs you and says,

    Hi there,

    I think that everyone finds their own coping strategies and what works for them as an individual but I think there are some key truths about emotional states that will universally work for everyone.

    Taking the pressure off to feel happy when that is not your internal state of mind.  Telling yourself that you have rode the storm before and come through.  Allowing yourself time to rest more because intense emotions are draining so mind and body rest is important.  Finding a form of exercise that works for you - dancing to music when cooking even if you aren't feeling it - pacing back and forth while on the phone to a supportive person - walking somewhere in nature.  Anything that changes what you are doing in that moment.

    All experiences are valid and there to learn from.  Moving through and learning to accept pain and reach out in the unbearable parts is important to show you how incredibly strong you are.  Yes, it's brutal but you have done it before and you can do it again.  You can. You are asking on here so you are fighting which's commendable.  Life is hard.  Life is so painful and there is not always a logical reason as to why traumatic things happen.  Life often seems unfair.  Here is the thing though, as long as the human race has been around, pain has too.  It is an important part of existence that bonds people on a deep level as they too know it.  

    My pain is still here.  It changes and that's where I take comfort.  I compare the me of now with the me of past.  Had I been successful in dying, I wouldn't be here writing these words to you.  I wouldn't have the experience of being a mother.  I wouldn't have shown my strength in helping my Mum when my Dad died.  I wouldn't have smelled the scent of thirsty plants after rain.

    Everyone has their own experience but we are together in our human existence.

    Sending vibes of understanding your way.

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