Mental health

Hi just wanted to know how everyone's mental health is. I'm mid 20s now and in the last five years mine has been terrible and currently I'm in a really bad place. I've been in hospital four times and tried to end my life twice. I'm not proud of that but I can't help it it's just the way I'm feeling lately. My main problems are depression, ptsd, ocd, anxiety and psychotic disorder. I have medication and frequent assessments which usually land me in hospital.

Is this related to Autism or is it just one of those things? I don't know much about it.

  • I think Tonik has made some very sensible and helpful points.

    All I can add is that I have also had depression and anxiety - these often come with autism but everyone with autism seems to be different so no sure predictor there. I have had PTSD very badly (intense flashbacks at all times of the day and night) but that was not linked to autism, though no doubt that made it worse, that was instead caused by an horrific life event that no-one should ever have to go through. I was suicidal for 6 months when dealing with the PTSD. What helped in a big way on PTSD for me was CBT, as did time, and reading books that dealt with the particular causal issue that I was facing at the time. I'm not aware of PTSD being linked with autism, and if it is not then I think that is helpful because you may find CBT and other well-known techniques can help address that specific issue. You may see others jump in here saying things like CBT, [insert therapy X] don't work on autistics, but as above we are all different and so I would not be put off by that - it worked for me after all.

    So, there are many others that can relate to what you have been through. As Tonik says, mental health can sometimes be cyclical, it can help to think of it as waves crashing over you and then they clear. So there is respite, periods of calm.

    Thinking of you and sending good vibes.

    A final thought, one which my CBT therapist said to me, is to be kind to yourself, look after yourself and be decadent if you are able to. Have a hot bath, buy your favourite treat, binge on a favourite tv show. It's not your fault, the situation is just the situation. Try to accept it. Then v slowly and gently set little achievable goals. When you hit one, celebrate. Pamper yourself some more. And so on.

  • Omg I'm so sorry to read what you've been through and what you go through. It sounds like you really have struggled and I am really sorry to hear that. But I'm really glad CBT worked for you, that's great! :) I've not had CBT and it hasn't been suggested to me but next time I see the mental health team, I've got an assessment coming up so I can mention it then. Thank you for the suggestion. Hopefully it will work for me as well :)

    I understand the flashbacks and suicidal thoughts I get that pretty much every day. I also get really horrible and vivid nightmares, not sure if you've ever had that? I guess it's all linked and had become one giant mess now. The ptsd was also caused by a traumatic event for me as well and so was the rest I think. It didn't help anyway.

    I try to be kind to myself but it's not always easy. But thank you for the suggestions, I'll try a hot bath in a minute and see how that makes me feel :) and I'll work on some goals to do though there not always very easy to complete haha. Maybe I set to impossible tasks? I did used to go driving which I loved, help clear my head but I've temporarily had my license removed but I'm hoping I'll get it back this year :) 

    Thank you for the good vibes and your help :) 

  • The ptsd was also caused by a traumatic event for me as well and so was the rest I think. It didn't help anyway.

    OK so the traumatic event to me sounds like something separate that can be compounded by your other conditions. I would definitely try to get that treated specifically because it could make a big difference to your wellbeing. The two treatments usually offered are CBT and EMDR. I would push for one of those if I was you. EMDR can be quite hard to go through apparently but can work wonders. Stay positive and push to get something here Slight smile

    Yes, try to do baby steps. A goal could be to go outside for 5 min. It could be do some stretching for 2 min. It could be eat an apple. And then build from there. Start small.

    If you have a bath try to clear you head. Have you heard of the Calm app? Or listen to some music, whatever works for you. Just try to not blame yourself, and think positive thoughts.

  • Hi again thanks Slight smile next time I see my gp I'll discuss both with her and see what she thinks and if it can be done for me. I need something cause life can't go on like this. It's overwhelming and depressing.

    Thanks yeah I'll try the baby steps just see if that can help me any. I do sometimes stand in the garden for five minutes a sort of way of me getting out for a few minutes.

    Bathing is good and so is music. Always positive me.

  • Hi again thanks Slight smile next time I see my gp I'll discuss both with her and see what she thinks and if it can be done for me. I need something cause life can't go on like this. It's overwhelming and depressing.

    Thanks yeah I'll try the baby steps just see if that can help me any. I do sometimes stand in the garden for five minutes a sort of way of me getting out for a few minutes.

    Bathing is good and so is music. Always positive me.

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