Mental health

Hi just wanted to know how everyone's mental health is. I'm mid 20s now and in the last five years mine has been terrible and currently I'm in a really bad place. I've been in hospital four times and tried to end my life twice. I'm not proud of that but I can't help it it's just the way I'm feeling lately. My main problems are depression, ptsd, ocd, anxiety and psychotic disorder. I have medication and frequent assessments which usually land me in hospital.

Is this related to Autism or is it just one of those things? I don't know much about it.

  • There's a number of things that commonly occur alongside autism. I am autistic and share a lot of the same problems as you (some diagnosed, some self-diagnosed). My mental health fluctuates regularly and I think most people here will relate to what you are going though to some extent.

    If you haven't had an autism diagnosis it's worth trying to get one if you think it might apply to you. If you're not sure, ask your doctor for an Autism Screening Test to see if it's likely. Autism itself can't be treated, but a lot of the other problems that regularly come with it can.

    In the meantime, if you are really struggling with your mental health then please do call the Samaritans or another mental health crisis line. They are really useful for when you are caught up in your own thoughts.

    Hope you're ok.

  • I'm sorry your mental health is like that but totally understand. Mine was as well but the last few years its been down and hasn't really come back up much, maybe it will soon. Not sure.

    I've got official diagnosis which was in April 2011. Answered a lot of questions, especially for my parents. Did for me as well though sort of explained why I'm so different.

    Thanks. I do call Samaritans a lot actually and if things got really bad I have my mental health team but I try not to call them because if I do I get assessed and usually end up in hospital so I'm trying not to go back there anytime soon :) 

    Thank you for your reply.

  • I'm sorry your mental health is like that but totally understand. Mine was as well but the last few years its been down and hasn't really come back up much, maybe it will soon. Not sure.

    I've got official diagnosis which was in April 2011. Answered a lot of questions, especially for my parents. Did for me as well though sort of explained why I'm so different.

    Thanks. I do call Samaritans a lot actually and if things got really bad I have my mental health team but I try not to call them because if I do I get assessed and usually end up in hospital so I'm trying not to go back there anytime soon :) 

    Thank you for your reply.

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