GCSE studying

I'm really struggling with getting myself to study for my GCSE mocks. I revised a lot for some smaller exams at the beginning of the year but the results i got were terrible and honestly I don't think there is much point in revising for these. I know i have to but whenever I try to start I get so angry and frustrated and just end up not doing anything. It's not that I don't have any revision materials but the fact I don't know how to. Any tips?

  • this is so useful omg!! thank you so much!! 

  • don’t worrry!! i saw your message on my email! thank you so much!

  • Let's try this again. 

    I know what you're going through, I went through the same thing at GCSE but didn't revise at all. You can still pass even if you never bring yourself to do any and if you haven't passed your core GCSEs then you can always retake if you go to college.

    First thing I'd say is not to revise for hours on end like some of the people I knew at school did, It'll burn you out and you won't learn a thing. Do 15-20 minutes so revision and then take a 5-10 minute break and do this until you get to 1 hour to 1 and half hours of revision done.

    -Use flash cards, They're really good to use and they are quick to make or even purchase.

    -Make MindMaps, Do it on a aspect of the subject you're working on and then whatever you didn't remember about that aspect revise it and then after a few days of revision do it again see what you now know.

    -Read books and listen to them, Do it over and over so you get it before bed or just as you wake up; While getting dressed, Eating breakfast or making your way to school (if you go).

    -Find good websites that can help or quizzes and what you don't remember, Revise and then do those quizzes again.

    -Make a detailed or even simple plan, It helps and it's something I use now in college.

    -Get sticky notes and stick them on things around your house and read them everyday, It really helps remember things.

    Number one thing I have to say, DO NOT REVISE THE SAME THINGS OVER AND OVER, It's an easy habit to get into and it won't help you at all in the long run.

    You can and will do well, I know you can do it. I did it and I was a terrible student. Slight smile

  • I can say with my personal experience that BBC Bitesize really doesn't help. I wish it did but it didn't. I was literally told by my own teachers at GCSEs not to even bother with it. Some websites work but BBC Bitesize just doesn't,

    I guess that was just me though.

  • Try BBC Bitesize or something similar, where you can do online tests to test yourself.  These computer based multiple choice tests are confidential, don't count if you get low marks and can help you improve for real exams.

  • i really tried to help but my message that I spent a lot of time on was straight away taken down for spam :/ I'll try again but give me 20 or so minutes to remember exactly what I said.