"ASD" is not a disorder & it certainly isn't a mental illness (most of us know that)-YT Tony Attwood on Greta Thunberg

I don't know much about Greta, except that many young people are starting to take activist roles-probably bc most of us that are older feel 'beat down' to stop many of the corrupt things in this world. I had to post this short video, mostly-for Dr. Tony's response where he laughs when ask, "What do you think about ASD as being called a mental illness." His laugh & response, that it's 'last century thinking.' I JUST LOVE HIM!

  • Greta is delusional used as a puppet by the global elite pushing for certain races not to have kids because of the environmental effect it will have yet import mass immigrants because of the declining population,

    As for asd being a mental illness i belive it's brain damage right ?

  • Autism is not brain damage, autism is a term that describes the diversity in the autistic person's natural neurodevelopment. 

    Brain damage is when the natural cognitive functioning and other parts of the brain are damaged. I have brain damage in my left temporal lobe because epileptic seizures have destroyed the neurons countless times that it's damaged the functioning of the hippocampus, my hippocampus no longer functions in its natural way.

    The damage to my brain is not because of natural neurodevelopment, the damage is because of epilepsy destroying neurons in those areas of my brain.

  • No, But some children are diagnosed with autism who also happened to be born with brain damage or intellectual disability and these individuals are highlighted in every debate referring to autism. That charity event that had the autism community up in arms is another great example of this as the event wasn't about autism but those with autism who where born with brain damage or severe intellectual disability and raising money to prevent it.  

  • I understand where you're coming from but this is a debate has been going of for the last decade. some of those diagnosed with autism with actual brain damage that occurred during birth and prior prenatal development are often and wrongly given an autism diagnosis. The point that i am getting at is that there are a lot of individuals with chronic intellectual disabilities (Never be able to be independent) that are slapped with a autism diagnosis and often do not have autism.     

  • Blue,

    I don't think you're getting me, is natural neurodevelopment brain damage, or is it the interference with natural neurodevelopment that's brain damage? Variation does not equal brain damage, everyone's neurodevelopment varies, so if you're going to claim variation in neurodevelopment is brain damage you're claiming everyone has brain damage. 

    I don't see natural neurodevelopment like an autistic brain as brain damage. I believe autistic brains can have brain damage, but autism itself is not brain damage, the brain damage is separate. There's no validity in calling a brain "damaged" just because it's different. In brains of autistics, dyslexics, down syndrome, ADHD etc. there is regions that function more greatly than those regions in neurotypical brains, how do we validly claim it's not a neurotypical brain working wrong in those regions? There is no scientific basis to claim variation equels damage just because there's fewer. Just like variation doesn't equel damage, fewer doesn't equel wrong.

    Just like you're using the term "with", autism with brain damage is claiming autism is one thing and brain damage is something separate with it as I said.

  • Blue,

    I don't think you're getting me, is natural neurodevelopment brain damage, or is it the interference with natural neurodevelopment that's brain damage? Variation does not equal brain damage, everyone's neurodevelopment varies, so if you're going to claim variation in neurodevelopment is brain damage you're claiming everyone has brain damage. 

    I don't see natural neurodevelopment like an autistic brain as brain damage. I believe autistic brains can have brain damage, but autism itself is not brain damage, the brain damage is separate. There's no validity in calling a brain "damaged" just because it's different. In brains of autistics, dyslexics, down syndrome, ADHD etc. there is regions that function more greatly than those regions in neurotypical brains, how do we validly claim it's not a neurotypical brain working wrong in those regions? There is no scientific basis to claim variation equels damage just because there's fewer. Just like variation doesn't equel damage, fewer doesn't equel wrong.

    Just like you're using the term "with", autism with brain damage is claiming autism is one thing and brain damage is something separate with it as I said.

  • I understand where you're coming from but this is a debate has been going of for the last decade. some of those diagnosed with autism with actual brain damage that occurred during birth and prior prenatal development are often and wrongly given an autism diagnosis. The point that i am getting at is that there are a lot of individuals with chronic intellectual disabilities (Never be able to be independent) that are slapped with a autism diagnosis and often do not have autism.