Aspergers and psychotic episodes

I am getting very frustrated I need to see an autistic qualified psychiatrist who know about asd and psychosis I have ptsd all traima events I haven't over come any its ruining my life I see the world as a dangerous place a horror story reason's why I got bullied verbally and physically in school no one helped me never got help consequently this how I live my life I can't sense danger in situations or dangerous men school my high school teacher was a pedophile I see everyone as harmful I trust people to easily coz I believe everything literally my aspergers has been took advantage of by people and work placements I'm not able to work coz I had so many knock backs of not being accepted in the world. Bullies printed off pictures of my fears stuck in my face I was screaming out with hands over my ears hear voices see horror figures bullying maybe in the past but as for trauma I'm marked for life can't even go for a walk on my own scared of going anywhere alone worried of being attacked. 

  • It sounds like you need a holiday! Or at least a break - a therapist can help but perhaps also a mentor? It's no good to live life in a state of Torment.

    Would you want to do a search on the differences between Boundaries Vs. Abuse? 

    Life is going to be full of people who are cruel. And also humans who are kind. How can this group help give you advice to seek out the kind ones?

  • It sounds like you need a holiday! Or at least a break - a therapist can help but perhaps also a mentor? It's no good to live life in a state of Torment.

    Would you want to do a search on the differences between Boundaries Vs. Abuse? 

    Life is going to be full of people who are cruel. And also humans who are kind. How can this group help give you advice to seek out the kind ones?

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