Do you like to hurt yourself?

I think it's a part of my Autism but I really love to hurt myself. Recently I've been burning my skin with bleach and shining a laser pen into my eye. Pain seems to make everything else feel better. 

  • It sounds like you really do want to hurt yourself both inside and out :( 

    I know some people hurt outside to care for themselves inside. Is this what you're aiming for? Or is there a degree of self-hatred/self-disgust going on.

    I hope there's a part of you Clara that is feeling ok through this.

  • It sounds like you really do want to hurt yourself both inside and out :( 

    I know some people hurt outside to care for themselves inside. Is this what you're aiming for? Or is there a degree of self-hatred/self-disgust going on.

    I hope there's a part of you Clara that is feeling ok through this.

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