son 24 recently diagnosed with ASD and has drug addiction

Any advice would be appreciated. My son aged 24, has recently been diagnosed with ASD, which explains why he has been self medicating with cannabis since the age of 14 and the last 5 years with cocaine. He has sought help with our local drug service and now doesn't use cannabis only cocaine and is attending weekly meetings, but he feels that this won't help in getting clean, as he takes it to cope with his ASD. He has been assessed by mental health and the ASD service, who cannot assist him with coping mechanisms as he is on drugs. So my son cannot get any help with his ASD because he's on drugs. We are both despairing and any advice would be appreciated.

  • Coke is a nasty, addicting dependency drug.

    Cannabis, however, has been a known universal medicinal plant for Sapiens for all of recorded history and longer (obviously). It has been demonised by the elite (who incidentally grow cannabis for manufacture and sale in the UK - all government sanctioned for export) as an investment opportunity for war profits which they can circulate during peace time to maintain those profits. Demonise something and the masses will follow on false morality.

    Cannabis is contra-indicated for sub 25 as the brain at that age is usually fully developed.

    e.g. person with lifelong sleep issues cannot take addicting Zopiclone, cannabis gives sleep every night

  • Coke is a nasty, addicting dependency drug.

    Cannabis, however, has been a known universal medicinal plant for Sapiens for all of recorded history and longer (obviously). It has been demonised by the elite (who incidentally grow cannabis for manufacture and sale in the UK - all government sanctioned for export) as an investment opportunity for war profits which they can circulate during peace time to maintain those profits. Demonise something and the masses will follow on false morality.

    Cannabis is contra-indicated for sub 25 as the brain at that age is usually fully developed.

    e.g. person with lifelong sleep issues cannot take addicting Zopiclone, cannabis gives sleep every night

  • The brain doesn't fully mature at 25 for everyone, for some people with neuro divergences it can keep developing through the late thirties as three recent studies have suggested. 

    Cannabis can be helpful when used in the short term, but the body soon adapts and you have to increase dosage and consumption to get the desired effect. Its why many people start with cannabis and move onto harder substances.