Suicidal thoughts

I desperately need advice.

My 28 year old son (Aspergers) has been feeling sad, very low, totally unhappy with himself and every aspect of his life. It culminated a couple of days ago when he told me that he is tired of being 'retarded', that there is no point in life and continuing as he is totally useless in everything, that he has no career, made poor choices and hasn't achieved anything. He says he wants to end it all. No matter what I try and talk to him he keeps repeating how he's feeling - totally irrational. So we are going round in circles. He absolutely refuses to seek any help saying that nobody can help him and the only thing he wants is to be 'normal'. He says he's had enough. 

He is very smart, has masters degree, traveled the world, experienced great things.... but is feeling a huge burden. He started his own business a couple of years ago and is having some difficulties in keeping it going (he claims that if he were normal all will be ok).

For two days now he keeps mentioning suicide an ending it all . What can I do? I'm really desperate for any advice. I don't know what to do.

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  • to all suicidals here                

    its weird ever since reading a Zen Koan(wise saying) about suicidal thoughts I now view them ( suicidal thoughts)  in  a different way - I am no longer anxious about them they are just thoughts in your head that you can ignore with practice ( a lot of practice ! me about 1 year ! ).

    I personally subscribe to Temple Grandin's approach "You cant use autism as an excuse". Again pretty difficult to do at times but keep thinkin it.

    (amateur opinion from a Zen idiot)..... more directly    I dont think you will ever be normal and should accept you as you are.  I don't want to be normal, anyone can do that :) (picasso)

    enjoy your extremeness, wallow in it, be you.

    share you pain with us ( all u suidical people)

    we have a similar experience. share it here.

    let us all know why you are so miserable, let it out and we can share the pain

    If tomorrow was your last day what would you do ?

    seriously laugh at yourself 

    tell me something you made a pig's  a_r_s_e  of :)  

     eg  I cycled all the way to work yesterday without my work laptop what a twat !