
Hi, Im Masie and Im a 14 year old with undiagnosed (but in the process of being diagnosed) autism/aspergers. Im interested in cats, LLSIF, Hetalia, washi tape, and fairy kei fashion.

It would be great to talk to some other people, feel free to message me! :3

  • Hi Masie, I thought I would drop you a line to say hello. I am afraid I am a lot older than 14 I am 64 years old but hope you won't mind that. I hope that your diagnoses goes well I am High Functioning Autism which used to be called Aspergers Syndrom, after the Austrian Pediatric Dr Hans Asperger, but some things which were not very nice were found out about him so they are slowly moving away from using that term. I see you like cats well I do too. I have a lovely House cat called Fluffy she loves to sit on my lap an be stroked and made a big fuss of. She is a long haired cat and I have to brush her hair every night so it does not get all matted. Do you own a cat or cats Massie or have any other pets?


  • Hi Masie, I thought I would drop you a line to say hello. I am afraid I am a lot older than 14 I am 64 years old but hope you won't mind that. I hope that your diagnoses goes well I am High Functioning Autism which used to be called Aspergers Syndrom, after the Austrian Pediatric Dr Hans Asperger, but some things which were not very nice were found out about him so they are slowly moving away from using that term. I see you like cats well I do too. I have a lovely House cat called Fluffy she loves to sit on my lap an be stroked and made a big fuss of. She is a long haired cat and I have to brush her hair every night so it does not get all matted. Do you own a cat or cats Massie or have any other pets?


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