Married to a marvellous man who is on the spectrum


I'm new here, I am married to a wonderful man who is on the spectrum, he was diagnosed at about 12. Our relationship is brilliant 95% of the time, it's the other 5% that I sometimes struggle to deal with.

I am hoping to learn and share with you all.


  • Hi lovely

    my husband struggles with me but sticks it out...which I am thankful for. Your husband struggles just as much as you and there is a very good chance that he is well aware than he can be a  challenge. Rest assured it is not on purpose that those times are difficult. He loves you, and probably  wouldn't want to  be without you....he is probably feeling v.guilty that he is not straight forward (I feel guilty and insecure about it everyday) - so try and think of the positives.

  • Hi lovely

    my husband struggles with me but sticks it out...which I am thankful for. Your husband struggles just as much as you and there is a very good chance that he is well aware than he can be a  challenge. Rest assured it is not on purpose that those times are difficult. He loves you, and probably  wouldn't want to  be without you....he is probably feeling v.guilty that he is not straight forward (I feel guilty and insecure about it everyday) - so try and think of the positives.

  • Hi there, thank you for the reply, it really helps. I often try to be optimistic but it can be a real struggle. I just want to wrap him in a bubble sometimes to protect him. How do you deal with work? My husband works but has found it so stressful that he has alopecia on his head and face

  • I am very lucky to have my wife.she copes with me most of the time but on occasion I can be a bit full on. Without even thinking I correct the slightest little thing she does wrong,Only afterwards I realise, I then find it difficult to judge my apologies? That sounds ridiculous but although I regret my action and don't realise it straight away I then have to try not to be overly sorry as it then comes across as sarcastic, if I don't say enough then it seems shallow.

    she does understand me but living with me 24/7 is a big challenge.

    I truly could not cope without her and no it isn't to feed me and clean up after me it's emotional. I am like a slippery snake in a disagreement,I refuse to lose in an argument about silly things over the slightest detail.

    Your husband is a very lucky man to have you,maybe like me he needs reminding that after all these years the lady needs reassuring of how wonderful they are, I once said in the heat of a row"well of course I love you, I wouldn't still be here if I didn't " not exactly romantic?

    I tend to talk about me a bit to much,I should ask her how she is more often!

    Well there you go I know all the answers but I just forget how easy it is to change things I just neglect to do them.