Isabella789 - New Here. Daughter 8 1/2 may be on speectrum...

Son now has social worker as considered 'at risk.' from my daughter. Social worker thinks possible ASD. My daughter Marie is very controlling and violent most days. But she's perfect in school. Is the social worker then barking up the wrong tree???

  • Girls work hard to look normal in their peer group and wear themselves out, making them more prone to anger and distress at home where they are safe.

    You don't say how old your son is or who else is in your household. If he is very small she may be feeling she gets less care and attention hence the acting out.

    How do you manage discipline when she is like this?

  • Hi, thanks for your reply. I am the only adualt in our family and my son is nearly 12. Otherwise yes if her brother was a baby then jelousy would make sense.

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