Hello - newbie here currently under assessment

Hi guys, 

I'm new here, just joined today and thought I'd come take a look on the forums as I am feeling a bit wired tonight. I feel drained but hyper/on edge all at once. My whole life I have always felt different and think I have probably been depressed for most of it whilst going through the motions until it all came to ahead a year ago. I eventually went to the GP who diagnosed depression and put me on Citalopram which I have been taking the past year. I've improved a little but not enough to allow me able to cope at work or at home yet so he referred me to a psychiatrist, sensing that I'm a "troubled soul".

I had my initial assessment with the mental health team in April sometime I think it was and broke down at several points talking about my childhood through til now, my thoughts, feelings and how my whole life has been. It was very draining. At the end of the session she asked if I knew why my GP had referred me. I said I wasn't sure other than to get my medication looked at and she told me it was because he suspects I have ASD and that she would have to agree with him based on some things I said about my childhood, although she admitted her knowledge was limited. She asked me to do the AQ10 question which I did. I think I scored 6 or 7 out of 10 which meant that she was able to offer me an appointment with the local adult autism service for a full assessment. So that is where I have been today and a bit of background about me.

It was a bit of a shock and I didn't know what ASD was. However, since doing some research on this website, receiving inforation from the autism service and reading some books I feel like I am reading about my life. It is comforting yet upsetting all at the same time. I was with the adult autism service for over 4 hours today and I go back in a few days to see the clinical psychologist. They tell me they will let me know the diagnosis then. I feel sick with nerves and worried. So here I am.....I hope I've not rambled on too much. I'm a 35 year old female, supposedly in full time employment but I just can't cope and need some answers and some help. Hopefully this is it. I've been told over the last two and a half years things like OCD, anxiety, depression, but nothing hits the nail on the head like ASD so keep your fingers crossed for me that everything is going to turn out okay. I can't afford for this to carry on otherwise I am going to end up losing my job!

R x

  • dooglewoo said:

    Hi Daydream Believer

    I'm a 47 year old female and I'm new to the community aswell.

    like you I've always felt different from others and I was told by doctors for years that I suffered from anxiety and depression. I also had dealings with the mental health team.

    Unfortunatly, I really do struggle being around people and I've never been able to hold down a job, but hopefully in time that may change!

    I have recently been to an assesment that lasted for 3 hours and the outcome was that I do have autism.  When I was told, I was glad to hear it, because it has made me realise why I am the way I am, but hearing it still hit me like a brick and now I'm trying to get my head around it all.

    I hope you get the answer you want.  Good luck

    Hello :)

    I have flitted around jobs myself but I live out in the sticks and job is very specific. If I quit, I'd have to move to a new town/city and leave everything familiar behind which I just can't and don't want to do. I feel safe and comfortable living here in my little town. Familar faces and places and of course my home and sanctuary. 

    I also really struggle being around people. One to one isn't so bad depending who that person is but otherwise I can't cope. I'm around people and having to "act" all day at work and it's no longer bearing. Frankly, it is exhausting and I'm still making a bad job of fitting in and can't fulfil all my duties.

    I am hoping I do get the diagnosis now I know more about it. I feel like it sums me up in a nutshell and I need the diagnosis to allow me access to the right kind of support and adjustments in work that will hopefully keep me in full time employment. I can't afford to drop down to part time, although I know realistically that is probably going to happen depending what can be done to help me. I feel like work have totally givn up on me and no longer know what to do with me. So in a way, I need this to help them understand, accept and support me. I'm not being awkward or abrupt, rude, stand offish or whatever else they may think. A little understanding and support will hopefullly go a long way

  • dooglewoo said:

    Hi Daydream Believer

    I'm a 47 year old female and I'm new to the community aswell.

    like you I've always felt different from others and I was told by doctors for years that I suffered from anxiety and depression. I also had dealings with the mental health team.

    Unfortunatly, I really do struggle being around people and I've never been able to hold down a job, but hopefully in time that may change!

    I have recently been to an assesment that lasted for 3 hours and the outcome was that I do have autism.  When I was told, I was glad to hear it, because it has made me realise why I am the way I am, but hearing it still hit me like a brick and now I'm trying to get my head around it all.

    I hope you get the answer you want.  Good luck

    Hello :)

    I have flitted around jobs myself but I live out in the sticks and job is very specific. If I quit, I'd have to move to a new town/city and leave everything familiar behind which I just can't and don't want to do. I feel safe and comfortable living here in my little town. Familar faces and places and of course my home and sanctuary. 

    I also really struggle being around people. One to one isn't so bad depending who that person is but otherwise I can't cope. I'm around people and having to "act" all day at work and it's no longer bearing. Frankly, it is exhausting and I'm still making a bad job of fitting in and can't fulfil all my duties.

    I am hoping I do get the diagnosis now I know more about it. I feel like it sums me up in a nutshell and I need the diagnosis to allow me access to the right kind of support and adjustments in work that will hopefully keep me in full time employment. I can't afford to drop down to part time, although I know realistically that is probably going to happen depending what can be done to help me. I feel like work have totally givn up on me and no longer know what to do with me. So in a way, I need this to help them understand, accept and support me. I'm not being awkward or abrupt, rude, stand offish or whatever else they may think. A little understanding and support will hopefullly go a long way

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