
Hi everybody,

I've joined up to this community because I'm really struggling not to slide into a deep depression about my eleven year old son (in the process of being diagnosed).

I feel so alone, and have virtually no support. I just thought chatting to others who understand might help me to cope a little better. It seems like my entire "social" life is carried out online these days!


  • Hello again

    It sounds like you have a lot to cope with at times. Yes, it's nice to have people to listen, understand and if possible help lift you when you're feeling down. Hope I've done that a bit.

  • Hi itsme,

    Thanks for your reply! I'm in my early 40s and have suspected for a while that I might have AS as well - seeing some of the issues other people on the spectrum have to deal with, I find myself thinking "I feel like that!" on a frequent basis.

    My Mum died at the start of last year, and the rest of my family don't really give a toss (except for my step-dad) so I find it very lonely at times. My husband is a wonderful man, but I wouldn't be surprised if he is on the spectrum too, lol, so it makes for a bit of a tricky situation.

    I've suffered from depression on and off since the age of about 20 (but never taken meds) so it can be tough for me trying to cope with my son's issues on top of my own! Anyway, nice to meet you - sometimes all we need is a sympathetic listener who understands the situation.


  • Hi

    I hate to hear about people finding themselves depressed. Have been like that myself for many months this year, so I think I still feel it a bit. Was only diagnosed myself a couple of years ago, with Asperger Syndrome, but of course have lived with it undiagnosed for many years. I guess I've coped reasonably well, as despite experiencing many of the issues I am now reading are quite common, I have achieved the main milestones in life. So, don't despair. Your son will need you in fine shape and able to understand what he is experiencing, so you can support him.

    Your autistic friends can give you some insights.

    Just ask

  • Hi YellowPearl,

    Thank you - maybe we can help each other? :-) x

  • Hello

    Don't worry about the multiple posts, the same thing happened to me the other day, it seems to be a quirk of the message board.

    I hope you find help, I'm in a similar situation.

    Kind Regards

  • Wtf?? Not sure why this has posted three times!