Diagnosed at 47

Hi all

I have been in the mental health system since my 30s, but I won't start on that or we'll be here all day. Let's just leave it at being diagnosed with GAD, depression, panic atttacks and social phobia.

After getting nowhere and just seeming to add to the list of "diagnoses" depending on which counsellor or CBT therapist I saw a lovely therapist finally asked the question.. Have you ever been assessed for Aspergers.

This is something  have been wondering about for ages but didnt know where to start. But about 6 months ago or more a very helpful GP managed to track down a local ASD diagnostic service for adults and off I toddled.

A very thorough assessment process later resulted in a diagnosis of ASD today, specifically around "aspergers" . I know its not a magic wand but the relief at finally having a diagnosis that actually makes sense and encompasses all the issues I have is massive.

  • Just to say about humour, I have a very strong sense of humour and I use it as a comfort blanket. Often inappropriately which can make difficult social situations even worse. I do get most jokes but sometimes something will be said as a joke and I will take it literally so it's not quite finely tuned

  • Just to say about humour, I have a very strong sense of humour and I use it as a comfort blanket. Often inappropriately which can make difficult social situations even worse. I do get most jokes but sometimes something will be said as a joke and I will take it literally so it's not quite finely tuned

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