Diagnosed at 47

Hi all

I have been in the mental health system since my 30s, but I won't start on that or we'll be here all day. Let's just leave it at being diagnosed with GAD, depression, panic atttacks and social phobia.

After getting nowhere and just seeming to add to the list of "diagnoses" depending on which counsellor or CBT therapist I saw a lovely therapist finally asked the question.. Have you ever been assessed for Aspergers.

This is something  have been wondering about for ages but didnt know where to start. But about 6 months ago or more a very helpful GP managed to track down a local ASD diagnostic service for adults and off I toddled.

A very thorough assessment process later resulted in a diagnosis of ASD today, specifically around "aspergers" . I know its not a magic wand but the relief at finally having a diagnosis that actually makes sense and encompasses all the issues I have is massive.

  • I've spent about a year or so in the mental health system, tho I think that only made me worse. I know at various times I've been signed off work with stress and depression. The psychiatrist I saw was an Indian gentleman (nothing against Indians), tho he made me feel like a naughty little girl, when I didn't collect the meds he prescribed, due to me perhaps having reservations about them.  I was looking after my disabled husband at the time, and I think he said to me "Don't you think it's your duty to look after your husband". I wasn't arguing with that, yes from a moral point, tho legally I could refuse to provide care, but social services have a legal obligation. I  wasn't disputing my obligations, but saying I need help.
    Since then my husband and I habe split up, I did work doing care work. Tho that didn't work out, and I know one day I ws supposed to be looking for work, tho I was on social media on the computer. This was where I met my fella, he advised me to go sick so I did and was signed off with anxiety and depression, work has been at best erratic.
    It's only about a month or so ago I was diagnosed with Aspergers at age 45.  I feel now at least I've a diagnosis and that may explain why maybe I am the way I am.
    I can't pinpoint when this depression started. I know at infants school sometimes I'd fake illness, and I know one morning my Mum sent me despite my protests, as she'd thought I'd had much time off, tho it came to lunchtime , and i think the dinner ladies tried to get me to eat my mains, then it came to pudding, and I was violently ill, (put off semolina for years), and my mum had to collect me and apologise. I know some kids were bullies, tho I think at age 11 the actions of the bullies seemed to take a more sinister turn, and then events with an older cousin.
    I did read that those with ASD can be more prone to being victims of bullies. I know it's not always possible to tell if a person has ASD, unless behaviour may hint at it. I know ASD can affect individuals in different ways. I'm just wondering why I seemed to be bullied more than the non ASD kids.
    I know maybe I'm better at social situations now than I was, tho the first time I met my fella I did look him up and down & then back up, tho I wasn't sure if he was serious or not, but I think maybe I lingered on his man bits a little too long, and he said that he felt like a "piece of meat"  I did say to him that it was NOT my intention, tho if I did make a social faux pas then it's certanally done our friendship/relationship no harm.  I did phone him as he's 60 miles away once I had a diagnosis and  jokingly said that I've an "excuse" for that now. Who says people with ASD don't understand jokes. I think sometimes I get jokes straight away, others I find more difficult. I know sometimes in work situations I've not known whether to take a colleague seriously or not.
    As regards sleeping, I never have been very good at settling from being a baby, I know my Dad would say to me I would rock in my pram, and my mum did sometimes try and get me off by staying with me til I was asleep. Tho she filled in some  answers  to questions for the Aspergers assessment and she said I was impossible to settle. I know somtimes if of an evening I watch a DVD or tv,catch up sometimes I find I zonk out on the sofa, and then awake at stupid o'clock. I feel as an adult I find I thrash around in bed, or I'm so tired I zonk. I find valerian root often works for me, and  zopiclone if I need something stronger. I didn't used to have panic attacks , they seem to have started more recently.               

  • I've spent about a year or so in the mental health system, tho I think that only made me worse. I know at various times I've been signed off work with stress and depression. The psychiatrist I saw was an Indian gentleman (nothing against Indians), tho he made me feel like a naughty little girl, when I didn't collect the meds he prescribed, due to me perhaps having reservations about them.  I was looking after my disabled husband at the time, and I think he said to me "Don't you think it's your duty to look after your husband". I wasn't arguing with that, yes from a moral point, tho legally I could refuse to provide care, but social services have a legal obligation. I  wasn't disputing my obligations, but saying I need help.
    Since then my husband and I habe split up, I did work doing care work. Tho that didn't work out, and I know one day I ws supposed to be looking for work, tho I was on social media on the computer. This was where I met my fella, he advised me to go sick so I did and was signed off with anxiety and depression, work has been at best erratic.
    It's only about a month or so ago I was diagnosed with Aspergers at age 45.  I feel now at least I've a diagnosis and that may explain why maybe I am the way I am.
    I can't pinpoint when this depression started. I know at infants school sometimes I'd fake illness, and I know one morning my Mum sent me despite my protests, as she'd thought I'd had much time off, tho it came to lunchtime , and i think the dinner ladies tried to get me to eat my mains, then it came to pudding, and I was violently ill, (put off semolina for years), and my mum had to collect me and apologise. I know some kids were bullies, tho I think at age 11 the actions of the bullies seemed to take a more sinister turn, and then events with an older cousin.
    I did read that those with ASD can be more prone to being victims of bullies. I know it's not always possible to tell if a person has ASD, unless behaviour may hint at it. I know ASD can affect individuals in different ways. I'm just wondering why I seemed to be bullied more than the non ASD kids.
    I know maybe I'm better at social situations now than I was, tho the first time I met my fella I did look him up and down & then back up, tho I wasn't sure if he was serious or not, but I think maybe I lingered on his man bits a little too long, and he said that he felt like a "piece of meat"  I did say to him that it was NOT my intention, tho if I did make a social faux pas then it's certanally done our friendship/relationship no harm.  I did phone him as he's 60 miles away once I had a diagnosis and  jokingly said that I've an "excuse" for that now. Who says people with ASD don't understand jokes. I think sometimes I get jokes straight away, others I find more difficult. I know sometimes in work situations I've not known whether to take a colleague seriously or not.
    As regards sleeping, I never have been very good at settling from being a baby, I know my Dad would say to me I would rock in my pram, and my mum did sometimes try and get me off by staying with me til I was asleep. Tho she filled in some  answers  to questions for the Aspergers assessment and she said I was impossible to settle. I know somtimes if of an evening I watch a DVD or tv,catch up sometimes I find I zonk out on the sofa, and then awake at stupid o'clock. I feel as an adult I find I thrash around in bed, or I'm so tired I zonk. I find valerian root often works for me, and  zopiclone if I need something stronger. I didn't used to have panic attacks , they seem to have started more recently.               

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