think ive got aspergers !

hello all, soemone suggested yesterday that i may have aspergers, after i told them how i struggle in big groups, or just groups fullstop, ive had a look on the net and it seems tyo describe me to a tee. will see the doc. 

e2a: and ofcourse i look forward to educating myself and meeting people that go through the same thing

  • thanks for your help, sorry i took so long to reply. my "girlfriend" has been abusing

  • Those scores suggest that the jobcentre person was on the right track. Getting a diagnosis is not always straightforward and there are lots of discussions on the forum about that. see some of the threads returned by this search"getting a diagnosis"

    When you go to see the doctor you have to be clear about two separate things

    a) What makes you think you have Aspergers - in your case you can say that this was suggested by the job centre and you have confirmed that with doing the online tests

    b) What problems you think this gives you - e.g. being unemployed (for example failing to get work or perhaps falling out with people at woprk) - social problems (for example finding it difficult to maintain relationships - mental health problems (for example, depression, anxiety etc)

    These are two quite separate topics - you can have Aspergers but if it doesn't give you any problems then the NHS won't want to spend time on you so you have to explain both parts of the story.

    It can help to write down the things that you want to tell the doctor. If you give the doctor a written summary it can help the conversation and it will avoid the thing where you come out from seeing the doctor and immediately remembering what you wanted to say to them.

  • recombinantsocks said:

    It can help to write down the things that you want to tell the doctor. If you give the doctor a written summary it can help the conversation and it will avoid the thing where you come out from seeing the doctor and immediately remembering what you wanted to say to them.

    This is really good advice, that's what i have started to do. It just helps when your there, and you won't go home thinking "Oh crap, i shoulda mentioned that".

  • hi rec, thank you for your reply, i did the test you posted and got a score of 37 which they say indicates a strong likelihood of Asperger syndrome or autism

    i forgot to say that i did another autism test yesterday, cant remember the site now but it said i had a higher than average clinical threshold score. above 32 also.

    (sorry my fonts have gone weird since i copy pasted some of the above)

  • Hi Johnny,

    Welcome to the forum.

    There is a free online test at that may confirm if you are on the right track with this. Have a go and post your result in this thread and it may lead to more clarity. It isn't anything like a proper diagnosis but it is still actually remarkably useful in situations like this.

  • alright blues, a professional at the jobcentre (im in england) pointed me in this direction, obviously he has no medical training as far as i know, but i think he were right. will let you know how i get on, thank you !

  • johnny_d said:

    hello all, soemone suggested yesterday that i may have aspergers, after i told them how i struggle in big groups, or just groups fullstop, ive had a look on the net and it seems tyo describe me to a tee. will see the doc. 

    e2a: and ofcourse i look forward to educating myself and meeting people that go through the same thing

    Who suggested this?

    Was it a friend, a healthcare professional, a family member?

    Yeah i hate groups too. I'm ok after a while, but when i first meet a group of people, whoah, i get all anxious. 

    Then i just get bored.

    Let us know how the visit to the doc gets on.
