Newly Diognised Kid


My boy (9) is recently Diognised with Autusm. It's a worry to me and my wife because we  are not too sure that he will be able to get educated and be independent when he grow up. His main problem is lack of communication. He only mimic whatever you say to him. Is there any hope that he will one day talk to us?

  • Hi JayRee,

    Yes, there's always hope.  A good book to read is 'Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism (or How To Think Smarter About People Who Think Differently)' by Steve Silberman. I'm currently on Chapter 2 - 'The Boy Who Liked Green Straws' - about the experience of a couple who brought up an autistic boy. Enlightening and reassuring, I think.  Here's a link to information about another useful book mentioned in this one:

    With a diagnosis, you should be able to get the support he and you need - speech and language therapists, behaviour teams, etc. Has anything further been suggested to you by the professionals involved?

    Check out The Autism Services Directory, too, in case there's support available in your area:

    Good luck


  • Hi, my boy of 4 has oust been diagnosed with ASD! even thou I was expecting it, it is very overwhelming. im not sure what to do next? The professionals were more interested in sorting out his transition to school but that's not till September now, so what do I do about the issues at home? Anybody know where or what to do now?


  • Hi Jayree,

    I could have written your post. Our 4 year old son was diagnosed yesterday after 12 months. We're worried about the same things. 

  • thanks very much Aspergerix for your words of encouragement...

  • There is a book, titled 'The Reason I Jump', written by an autistic boy, Naoki Higashida.

    On the cover is a sentence which reads:

    "One boy's voice from the silence of autism."

    It may be available from your local library.

    It does inspire hope.