Hello new member here.


Hi all,

I've recently attended an assessment as I've long suspected I'm an aspie but not had an official diagnosis, until now. It was confimed I have ASD and I'll receive a written confirmation in due course, as will my GP.

I'm 52, male and married with 2 kids who are grown up.

I've had life long trouble with maintaining relationships and sometimes been disciplined at work (not my current job) for making inappropriate comments. I was once fired for taking extended sick leave for anxiety and depression.

My wife is a saint. She has stuck by my these 30 years through thick and thin and has stood by me when lesser women would have run for the hills.

Anyway, that's me.


  • Hi Paul, he's 26, he went to a councillor last year, who didn't really do much.  But this was a 1st session with a new councillor who was so positive & caring, she was so helpful & is arranging for tthe tests to confirm her findings.  As a parent it was a shock as we had only beendealing with Dyspraxia for 20 years.  This just came out of the blue, but i'm very glad she's recognised it and not left us feeling helpless & alone.  Did you get support at school? Thank you for your reply, it's good to talk to like minded people

  • Hi Paul, he's 26, he went to a councillor last year, who didn't really do much.  But this was a 1st session with a new councillor who was so positive & caring, she was so helpful & is arranging for tthe tests to confirm her findings.  As a parent it was a shock as we had only beendealing with Dyspraxia for 20 years.  This just came out of the blue, but i'm very glad she's recognised it and not left us feeling helpless & alone.  Did you get support at school? Thank you for your reply, it's good to talk to like minded people

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