Hello new member here.


Hi all,

I've recently attended an assessment as I've long suspected I'm an aspie but not had an official diagnosis, until now. It was confimed I have ASD and I'll receive a written confirmation in due course, as will my GP.

I'm 52, male and married with 2 kids who are grown up.

I've had life long trouble with maintaining relationships and sometimes been disciplined at work (not my current job) for making inappropriate comments. I was once fired for taking extended sick leave for anxiety and depression.

My wife is a saint. She has stuck by my these 30 years through thick and thin and has stood by me when lesser women would have run for the hills.

Anyway, that's me.


  • Hello,

    I'm a parent that has an adult child who since 4 years old was diagnosed with Dyspraxia & Autism.  Throughout his school & college he was statemented & had support.  Since leaving education, the only support he receives is from myself (mum), his dad & brother.  He went to councilling 2 days ago & the lady called me in, with his permission, she said she feels has  80% autism & Aspergers & 20% dyspraxia.  We had noticed his change but just thought it was a part of him growing up. We didn't expect that.  The councillor is going to contact our Gp to ask for the relevant tests to be done to confirm this. A friend suggested i join here to obtain supprt & guidance. 

  • Hello,

    I'm a parent that has an adult child who since 4 years old was diagnosed with Dyspraxia & Autism.  Throughout his school & college he was statemented & had support.  Since leaving education, the only support he receives is from myself (mum), his dad & brother.  He went to councilling 2 days ago & the lady called me in, with his permission, she said she feels has  80% autism & Aspergers & 20% dyspraxia.  We had noticed his change but just thought it was a part of him growing up. We didn't expect that.  The councillor is going to contact our Gp to ask for the relevant tests to be done to confirm this. A friend suggested i join here to obtain supprt & guidance. 

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