

My name is Amanda and I am 19 years old. I am currently on a waiting list for the autism team to be officially diagnosed - they think I have Aspergers Syndrome. After reading more into Aspergers the more I feel I have it. I have always felt different and struggled with things (yet was unable to put my finger on). As a child I struggled to make friends and maintain eye contact (and still do) as well as other issues, hence I saw psychologists etc. but my parents were reluctant for me to be labelled, hence this is why I believe they never picked up my Aspergers. 

  • My daughter who is 16 has been diagnosed with Asperger's only a few months ago. Before that she was under mental health for severe anxiety, depression. She dropped out of school due to bullying and anxiety. Even before that she kept saying that she felt different from everybody else although she tried very hard to fit in, always tried to be the perfect pupil etc., go along with her peers.

    I think it is very hard to recieve a diagnosis so late but also important because it might help to access more support.

  • Re-took the Autism Quotient test, I scored 42.

    For the Empathy Quotient, I scored 15. 

    Actually surprised by my scores, I was expecting it to be in the range for Aspergers Syndrome, but not as high for AQ and as low for EQ than I scored- as I thought I was reasonably high functioning. 

  • Hi,

    I have taken the "Autism Quotient 50" at one of my therapy appointments. My clinical psychologist never told me the result. Before she mentioned that she suspected Asperger's Syndrome, she gave me that questionnaire and called it an "social interaction questionnaire". However after looking at it, its the exact same questionnaire (she must have wanted to give me it before suggesting it, she has suspisions based on what I have mentioned/the way I act too).

    I was bullied a lot when younger (easy target) but am also finding transitioning into adult life very hard. I have a lot of anxiety about all the changes and other things. I do have anxiety and depression (my psychologist is from the mental health team, she is not speacialised in ASDs but she's the person who referred me to the autism service), but I feel a big trigger for it - could be down to a lot of changes, and new responsibilities and other things. 

    I will re-take the "Autism Quotient" on my own accord (to discover my score) and I will also take the Empathy Quotient (which I haven't sat).

  • Hi Amanda,

    I'm 29 and only recently diagnosed having like you, struggled through life. For me it didn't cause a lot of problems growing up, I started to have real difficulties when transitioning into and throughout adult life.

    Have you tried taking either of the following tests?

    Autism Quotient 50 - aspergerstest.net/.../

    Empathy Quotient - psychology-tools.com/.../