Hi there!

I have only just discovered this discussing forum and it's great to see so many people with autism who understand what it feels like to be 'on the outside'.

I am a female who is 23 and was diagnosed a year ago after years of depression, anxiety and not knowing 'what is wrong with me?'

Generally, I feel better after being diagnosed and have stopped beating myself up for my 'differences' (most of the time anyway).

I'd love to hear about other people's experiences of getting diagnosed and how it has affected your life. Just want to connect with others in the community who understand what it is like.

A xx

  • Thank you for sharing your experiences. I think it does really help you to feel more at peace with yourself when you know why you've found so many things difficult in life!

    I went private too, after my sister was diagnosed and as I read more and more about it, realised it was me too and that I was exhausted and depressed from putting on a 'normal' persona. Definitely agree that private was worth the money!

    Wish you well too!

  • Hello SingingPotato.I only joined the forum yesterday. Already I feel a sense of belonging, that i am on the same wavelength as other contributors, that i do not have to keep up the "filters" i have to use at work. I am 51yrs old and was only finally diagnosed when i was 49. I always knew i was different but had no idea how. I would get frustrated, i would get angry, i would get depressed. In the NHS i got bounced around various specialists who misdiagnosed me. That in itself was depressing.

    Now I am much happier. I am myself and understand why i react the way i do. I now understand it is me with the communication and social niceties issues and not the rest of the world. That has made me more relaxed in life, ironically, because i now know who i am. I now live on my own and find that helps a lot. I am not cut out for relationships and faced the fear of being alone only to find it is not as frightening as i thought it would be. I went through about a year of feeling "lost" and discombobulated after my diagnosis.

    My ex-partner heard a radio programme about Autism and this lady who had an issue with taking things literally, and freaking out if someone was late...and told me about it. I read a book and saw myself in every page. It took another 2yrs to get a professional to see a woman could have Aspergers. I ended up taking out a loan to pay for a private clinic to finally see if i was or was not on the Spectrum. I think it was worth every penny.  I wish you well, SingingPotato.