Just saying hello

Hi there people,

I'm new to all this, so please go easy on me, cheers.

So now thats out of the way, im finding myself stuck for something to say...

I'll tell you what!, I'm just gonna come out with a little about me and what it can be like in my everyday life, then please feel free to let me know what you think.

Okay, I'm the right side of forty and two years ago I went for diagnosis for either aspergers or high functioning autism{depending on your preference}, due to having had a life which has been distressing to say the least. Little clues through out my life have led me down this path, being uncomfortable with crowds, struggling to follow group dicussions and humour, not being comfortable with change and awkwardness with eye contact are to name but a few. Anyhow since then I have tried to follow the advice i was given and slowly but surely am making changes in my life that "seem to fit" with me, and life is improving, so all is good.

I was once asked by a friend if i could describe what its like, so he could try better to understand and i came out with this analogy.

To me living with aspergers is like, living in a goldfish bowl!.

I can see the world around me and hear everything that goes on, but somehow I can't seem to interact or feel a part of the world, like everyone else on the outside can. Its not that i have no part in the world or no usefullness, its just that there always seems to be a invisable barrier between myself and everone else..

Does anyone agree with that?, i would like to know if anyone feels the same way.

Cheers for reading

  • I am new to this too !!

    i am married to someone who is unware he has borderline autism spectrum - can you give me any tips as to how I should communicate with him in order to help him the best way I can?

    do you tihink its always imperative that people should know thier diagnosis? can people live a good life without knowing exactly???

    thanks for yoiur help

  • I am new to this too !!

    i am married to someone who is unware he has borderline autism spectrum - can you give me any tips as to how I should communicate with him in order to help him the best way I can?

    do you tihink its always imperative that people should know thier diagnosis? can people live a good life without knowing exactly???

    thanks for yoiur help

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