New with questions

Hi, i'm glad i found ths forum hopefully it will help me with some questions i have. My daughter is 15 and for most of her life she's had problems. Could talk at age 3 couldn't read, write, count or spell her name at the age of 7. Was told at age 9 she has learning difficulties assosicated with her memory but not a formal diagnosis. Well as she's got older her issues are getting so much worse and to cut a long story short i took her to see GP and she was referred to PCAHMS. We were goven some questionaires to fill in and return and yesterday had the scoring results back. She scored 37 out of 50 and was told that she would now be referred to T3 CAHMS. We were also given a questionaire to ask the school to fill in, well today i had that back and they see a completely different person and after putting in their answers online they scored her 18 out of 50. This really concerns me in how can they see someone totally different. This is NOT was she's like in the real world. My question is what happens now with the difference between my answers and their answers to those questions? Will CAHMS tell me there's nothing wrong and seend us on our way? I know a diagnosis doesn't change things BUT it will help put an answer to all what's been happening over the years. Any help will be gratefully recieved. Thankyou in advance. Poppy12345

  • Hi Trogluddite,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, much appreciated. I completely understand what you're saying. Infact my daughter comes home from school everyday exhausted and constantly tells me she feels so tired all the time. Others can see it, my friends and other family but the school believe there's nothing wrong. Very frustrating! I know a diagnosis won't change things but it'll certainly give us an answer to all those years of wondering what the heck is going on. Take care x

  • Hi Trogluddite,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, much appreciated. I completely understand what you're saying. Infact my daughter comes home from school everyday exhausted and constantly tells me she feels so tired all the time. Others can see it, my friends and other family but the school believe there's nothing wrong. Very frustrating! I know a diagnosis won't change things but it'll certainly give us an answer to all those years of wondering what the heck is going on. Take care x

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