
Hello everyone. I am 40 and currently undiagnosed with any ASD, but, particularly in the last year or two, after reading reams of information regarding Asperger's/ASDs I genuinely feel that I was born with it, although my memory is a little clouded by the fact that after anaphylaxia I stopped breathing for...I don't know how long, I, nor my parents, were ever told how long to my knowledge, but I believe that I suffered brain damage which has, I think, caused me to display autistic tendencies/behaviours ever since I suffered the anaphylaxia. This has recently been exacerbated by the fact that I have Hydrocephalus, which, my parents tell me, anyway, as I can't remember, has led to me recently(it seems longer to me)developing sensory problems. I find our HDTV incredibly difficult to watch, and, because my parents are now quite old, my mother needs the volume set at a level that I find almost unbearable. This has led to meltdowns and bad behaviour on my part, and I have no doubt that I must drive them insane.

In the intervening years I have become increasingly secluded, have lost friends because of my reactions to how they have behaved, and now I spend most of my time in my house with my parents. After speaking to a sibling yesterday on skype(I have barely spoken to her face to face since I was 17)I have come to realise that I find face to face communication almost impossible now with anyone new, and I have no interest whatsoever in making new friends. I would much rather spend my time on the computer or reading, which I love, and I would consider one of my special interests to be the attainment of general knowledge, and I absolutely love answering questions on quizzes like The Chase.

This is just a little about me, and I look forward to reading any replies I receive.

Thank you all for reading this post.

  • Hello again. I honestly believe I have had them to some degree all of my life, yes. My inability to make long-lasting friendships when I was young; my inability to understand when friends were most likely taking advantage of me, or being friendly, then bullying me in a group. In addition to this there were things like the fact that my mother and father could put me on the floor, surrounded by toys, and they would not hear a peep out of me. I could quite happily spend hours on my own, playing or reading, without any interaction with my family, although, at the time, I think I did have more interests in making friends, although, as I said, I never had any success with it. I always preferred spending my time with teachers, because I found I could relate to them more easily than I could my peers.

    Then there were things like my total inability to understand any mathematical concepts whatsoever, the fact that, although in primary school I was not taught anything, my remedial teacher in Junior school told my parents, and myself, that there was no need for me to be in there for English-related subjects, because. once I was shown the basics, I soon attained a teenage, then an adult reading age, although I didn't do anything with it, because I felt the teachers were overly-critical of me in many respects, although, of course, I may have misinterpreted things they said.

    Added to that was the fact that I often acted, on reflection, in ways that must have embarrassed girls that I had crushes on. Things like giving them inappropriately lavish gifts to show them I liked them, and not just telling them, and definitely not handling rejection well at all when it occurred, and it occurred remarkably often.

    There are many more instances, I am sure, but I think that all I have said definitely points to some level of autism. I think it was perhaps just missed because of my other disabilities which my doctors and parents tended to concentrate on because they were more obvious.

  • Hello again. I honestly believe I have had them to some degree all of my life, yes. My inability to make long-lasting friendships when I was young; my inability to understand when friends were most likely taking advantage of me, or being friendly, then bullying me in a group. In addition to this there were things like the fact that my mother and father could put me on the floor, surrounded by toys, and they would not hear a peep out of me. I could quite happily spend hours on my own, playing or reading, without any interaction with my family, although, at the time, I think I did have more interests in making friends, although, as I said, I never had any success with it. I always preferred spending my time with teachers, because I found I could relate to them more easily than I could my peers.

    Then there were things like my total inability to understand any mathematical concepts whatsoever, the fact that, although in primary school I was not taught anything, my remedial teacher in Junior school told my parents, and myself, that there was no need for me to be in there for English-related subjects, because. once I was shown the basics, I soon attained a teenage, then an adult reading age, although I didn't do anything with it, because I felt the teachers were overly-critical of me in many respects, although, of course, I may have misinterpreted things they said.

    Added to that was the fact that I often acted, on reflection, in ways that must have embarrassed girls that I had crushes on. Things like giving them inappropriately lavish gifts to show them I liked them, and not just telling them, and definitely not handling rejection well at all when it occurred, and it occurred remarkably often.

    There are many more instances, I am sure, but I think that all I have said definitely points to some level of autism. I think it was perhaps just missed because of my other disabilities which my doctors and parents tended to concentrate on because they were more obvious.

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