Hello everyone

Hi Guys,

Im a mother of my lovely 21months son. Im really worry about him, and im afraid he is keep showing me signs of autism. I went to see our GP. I just heard he is to young. The sent me for hearing test - came back clear.  I know the quickest i know the soones i can start some sorts of theraphy.

Pls guys help me, where to go, who to ask, what to do? This is getting too much for me, and my husbands is keep saing 'he is fine' and me as a mother i can feel that something is going wrong!!!

BTW we live in London.

sorry for my english, its not my first language.

  • Hi Electra

    The test was carried out in our general hospital , my grandson was given a tablet at home before his appointment so he would sleep while the test was carried out by monitoring his brain activity .My grandson does not respond to his name or conversation , and to someone that wasn't aware of his condition they've would presume he was deaf .  unless you have medical knowledge how it could have been done any other way , I don't understand why your gob smacked.? Or maybe we should have had him tied to a chair . If you have or know a child on the spectrum they may have similar issues with strangers and places they are not familiar with , and this causes them  extreme anxiety.

  • Gobsmacked that they'll sedate a child who won't keep still just so they can do a hearing test!

  • His hearing test came back perfect , although after several attempts where they couldnt do it, due to him not keeping still or going off doing his own thing, he had to be sedated the result was he has very acute hearing, which children with autism ,we were told normally have, he his also non verbal.  

  • Hi Malvi. 

    My grandson was 21 months old when we took him to our GP he had to many signs of autism for us to ignore, he was referred to a pediatrician  at our local hospital, the appointment took 3 months ,he was then referred to speech therapist etc. He is now 3 years and 3 months old and has just been officially diagnosed , we feel we will now get the support / advice etc we need for him. We felt quite alone not knowing anyone personally  in the same situation as us,please go back to your GP and request a referral. 

  • Hi

    My name is Louise and I am 27 years old when I was five I was

    Seen as being deaf and was sent to a clinic in my local town to have

    My hearing tested I passed the test with near enough perfect scores

    But I was totally non verbal at the time of the test and for four months

    Only spoke in broken English to my parents.