
Hi. I'm a 40 year old woman and I was diagnosed in February 2014. I have a high IQ, I'm great with numbers, but have specific learning difficulties. I have been under mental health services for 20 years but they shot me down 4-5 years ago when I suggested I had an ASD. They have been beyond useless and since my diagnosis have essentially told me to get over it and move on.

I have spent too much of my adult life in mental hospitals and was recently sectioned again with psychosis and catatonia. I also have dyspraxia and sensory processing disorder which were only diagnosed in December 2014 and I was privately diagnosed with ADHD in April this year. I am physically disabled and rely on crutches indoors and a powerchair outdoors. I get no support besides a visit every few weeks from a mental health social worker who knows nothing about ASD.

I have no family and I am socially isolated as I find it extremely difficult interacting with people in person or on the phone. I live in quite a rural area and find it very difficult navigating public transport, steep hills and roads without pavements in a wheelchair. Since they revoked my driving licence due to the volume of medication I take I now rarely leave the house. 

Yesterday I managed to go to the shops to buy food after going without for over 24 hours. Going out in the high winds and heavy rain has set my physical health back. I cannot care for myself, my living conditions are horrendous but I am not anyone's problem. If you don't have a family to fight for your rights and you can't fight for them yourself you get nothing from my local social services. Surely people who are too frail and too scared to shout for their rights are the most in need? 

I need to get across to people that if the right care and support was put in place I would be able to gain employment and contribute to society. I think I come across as NT on the few occasions I do interact with other people. I have started unconsciously stimming in public because I have come off of a lot of my sedating medication, I used to be able to control it. I unfortunately have had meltdowns in public when things go horrendously wrong such as my wheelchair breaking down. In the past I would be shipped off to a mental hospital which would turn a meltdown into something much more. 

I am waiting for an NHS ADHD assessment as I lost the paperwork from my private diagnosis. A small part of me hopes that getting that treated will improve things. I am definitely not expecting miracles. I'm sorry for the depressing essay but I am feeling very low, very alone and very frightened right now. 

  • Hi Sophie and Autumn75,

    Thanks for chasing this one up. I think we are getting a clearer picture about the constraints that you are working within. I suspect that you are finding it frustrating too but I think that we should continue to look for solutions and improvements.

    I hope that Autumn75 is still reading her emails and can see that she hasn't been forgotten? Do you have any news or developments, good or bad to report?

    Longman, I think we have discovered another issue with the forum! Any nudges from the mods would be better done privately via email rather than in public on the forum. I'll add that to the idea thread rather than take this thread off at a tangent.

  • Autumn75 first posted 19th November and last posted 20th November. It wasn't help that other posters could really provide.

    By now I guess Autumn75 has given in, realising that NAS is yet another organisation that cannot help.  It particularly concerned me that Autumn75 perceived phoning the helpline as something she needed to be up to doing.

    Many people on the spectrum find phoning difficult, and being confronted with queuing systems especially with that loud brain rupturing electronic music that is supposed to calm the caller.

    What is clearly lacking out there are meaningful help contact services in the wider community. Unfortunately a lot of these have gone due to cuts.

    I understand the need for confidentiality. I just find it depressing that the semantics of confidentiality overrules any chance of helping people. Personally I find it tiring wanting to help people on here, and then beiong publicly told off for being too negative.

    There are thousands of desperate people being ignored in our so-called civilised society. Am I wrong to feel entirely negative about the lack of solutions?

  • Hi recombinantsocks,

    As a volunteer, I'm learning to moderate as I go so forgive me Smile I'm sure it would be possible to contact this user in the way you have mentioned but I don't have the authority to do so. I will refer this to more senior moderators to double check that your request is being dealt with.

    Thanks again,


  • Sofie Mod said:

    Hi recombinantsocks,

    Thanks for sharing your concerns about this. There are limitations as to how much support I can provide on the forum as disclosing where someone lives is against the community rules surrounding privacy. I am therefore unable to enquire as to the nearest support available. I've referred your comment to my managers so that they can provide you with a more satisfactory response.

    Sofie Mod

    Hi Sofie,

    I was thinking that NAS would be able to contact this person privately, away from the forum, as our email addresses are held in the forum databases?

    Hopefully NAS has been able to help the original poster?

  • Even if there isn't a local service it is sometimes worth contacting the nearest, even if that's out of county. They may know if something equivalent is available in your area.

    People with autism needs are everywhere. There are enough people needing support to justify greater outreach, just that funding, especially in the current economic climate means there isn't the supply to meet the demand everywhere.

    But it usually means someone has asked before, probably a good few, so there is potential need in evidence, so you may not be as isolated as you feel.

    I'm curious that if I google National Autistic Society, up pops Mencap "Autism-society", it only leads to their website list of learning disabilities which includes autism. Given they are so forward on this, why not ask Mencap for support. There are more Mencap resource centres around.

    Another option is to look on local community orientated websites like Mumsnet. They may, if you can find your way through the maze, identify local support services that are nearly relevant.

    If there is a university in your area, or a teacher training resource centre, they may hold information on local special needs resources, so it may be worth checking with them.

  • Hi recombinantsocks,

    Thanks for sharing your concerns about this. There are limitations as to how much support I can provide on the forum as disclosing where someone lives is against the community rules surrounding privacy. I am therefore unable to enquire as to the nearest support available. I've referred your comment to my managers so that they can provide you with a more satisfactory response.

    Sofie Mod

  • Hi Sofie

    I don't really understand this 

    UK-wide support

    We want our support to help as many people as possible, wherever they are, which is why we provide services in many areas all across the UK. We are always looking to expand into areas where needs are not being met.

    So the "UK wide support" isn't actually "UK-wide"? Can NAS not even get someone to visit to identify what services and benefits someone is entitled to?

  • Hi Autumn75,

    I'm sorry that there aren't any outreach services near you. Please continue to let us know how you're getting on and we'll try to give you the support/advice you need Smile

    Sofie Mod

  • I have enquired about outreach services but they aren't available where I live. I will call the helpline when I feel up to it. Thank you.

  • Hi Autumn75,

    Welcome to the community and I'm sorry that you are finding life diffcult at the moment. The advice that recombinantsocks has given is great and I would agree that phoning are helpline or emailing the helpline may be helpful for you. Again as recombinantsocks has pointed out we do have outreach services that may be of interest to you. We also have supported living services that may be of interest to you. The support and advice you've already been receiving here is really good but if you want any further support/advice please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Sofie Mod

  • You are not the only person who has struggled to get help. This is a common problem on tis forum. There is a real Catch-22 about this condition in that the people in most need are the least able to communicate their needs to the authorities.

    Have you looked at advocacy service www.autism.org.uk/.../advocacy-and-autism.aspx from which I quote

    People with Asperger syndrome, because of their fluent language, and average or above average IQ level, may not appear to need access to advocacy services. This can be misleading and it is important that advocacy services are available for all people with an ASD.

  • Hi. Thanks for your reply. My current situation of mental illness, physical disability and neurodevelopmental disorders makes it impossible for me to access work at this time. Until I get professional support it's not going to happen. I have been in touch with my local NAS outreach services but there are no services in my area. 

  • Hi Autumn75,

    Have you come across the Access To Work scheme www.gov.uk/.../overview this is designed to help people with disabilities get into work. you apply for funding and can then get asssistance from support providers (I think NAS does this but other agencies such as British Legion also offer support services).

    Have you tried asking the doctor that diagnosed your ADHD for replacement documentation? Did they not confirm the diagnosis to your GP too?

    Have you tried calling NAS and asking the helpline for assistance? - I believe they have outreach workers who may be able to identify your support needs.

  • Thank you Almighty Cookie for your kind words. 

  • Hello, and welcome!

    I am new myself, decided to see who's also new here. I understand you, I cannot say it being sure because everyone has their own story but being disabled is a problem indeed, because I am. My doctor even suggested to my mom for me to become a disabled person officially, so I could be given allowance, forgot how it's called in English. Here in Russia this is a huge trouble with autistic people.

    This is great that you had courage to register and come to the forum as well as many others. I see your struggle but I want you to remember that we are together, and together with you, everyone can make it all, I swear. Wish you to get the support at least here.