Well Hello...

Um, hi. Since I've very recently been diagnosed, I thought I'd turn to a place like this to see if I can start trying to make sense of what it all means...

By which I mean, I'm fine... I'm OK... And it's true that having this label now I'm 27 doesn't change who I am, or who I have been up to this point, but... I dunno... Now my struggles have been validated, and I feel the relief of an explanation, I'm keen to try and understand how it can change things going forward. Y'know?

Anyway, I've rambled, sorry. And I'm also sorry for my choice of username, in case it offends anyone. I'm fascinated by the whole idea of "normal" and how fluid the concept really is. Describing myself as "normalish" is just my own way of poking fun at it. There is no such thing as normal, but I do find it helps others understand things when you put it into their language, so...

I think I'll shut up now, and have a look around - thankyou!

P.S Can you tell I like ellipses...?  

  • Hello Normalish, 

    You are right... "normal" is a very fluid concept. In fact everyone, Aspie or Neurotypical, could be described as Normalish i.e. there is no such thing as a standard, all-encompassing 'normal'.  

    A great thing about a diagnosis is the knowing... the confirming of a cause as to why all that stuff went wrong up until now. You'll now be able to learn more about yourself and put the pre-diagnosis years into perspective. 

    Good Luck and welcome

  • Hello Normalish, 

    You are right... "normal" is a very fluid concept. In fact everyone, Aspie or Neurotypical, could be described as Normalish i.e. there is no such thing as a standard, all-encompassing 'normal'.  

    A great thing about a diagnosis is the knowing... the confirming of a cause as to why all that stuff went wrong up until now. You'll now be able to learn more about yourself and put the pre-diagnosis years into perspective. 

    Good Luck and welcome

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