ADVICE My 3 and half year old son


I'm not sure what to really write. I guess I'm looking for some support or well anything that might help

I have two children my eldest son is coming up to 4year old and my youngest is almost 1year.

My eldest hasn't had a diagnosis as of yet 

He was hitting all normal milestone until 1years old when I started noticing he wasn't speaking for ages I put it down to so much going on with a relationship break down (having to move) and problems with eye sight witch he was then at 2years old diagnosed with duane's syndrome and given glasses. 

During this time I noticed him refusing to play with other children at play groups. Refusing to potty train. And being very repetitive with some of the world's he had learnt. 

At age 3 still not being potty trained and only seeming to join two words together (water cup) instead of saying water in a cup please. I know he can speak he knows things that you wouldn't expect.. Like the other name for a killer wale (orca). But other things started showing alot more.. If he sees a digger he fixates on it and repestes digger over and over. I finally realised I couldn't Berry my head in the sand any longer and took him to my doctors he's had countless referal and assessments but no answers as if yet. 

He has just started nursery (were about 3-4weeks in) he goes 3days a week at 5hours a day. My major concern at the moment is he has a melt down when I try and take him in.. But when I pick him up its even worse.. He will point blank refuse to leave. To the point I have to carry him out after getting him to walk he will throw himself in the road. Hurt himself by pinching or biting all while screaming at the top of his voice the whole walk home. 

My question is has anyone experienced anything like this? I also struggle to wash his hair and he will fight and scream. Has anyone experience problems with balance also.. I was thinking maybe he was just clumsy but he has manged to hurt himself (by falling over) about 6 times in one week. 

Really could use some advice as I really don't know what to do and to be honest I'm not getting any support from people that are seeing him. Sorry about the long post and thank you 

  • My god it's such a relief to talk to someone who understands and has the same feelings. 

    We we are in the process of getting our son assessed as everyone is a bit baffled by him. He's just started mainstream school, which we fought for 6 months to keep him back a year as he was so far behind his peers and is a summer baby. Sadly, we were forced into sending him and he also didn't get into the school his brother goes to and where all the people he knows and feel comfortable go. He's now at a school where he knows no one and is not good with change at the best of times and this has just completely thrown him. He like your son, keeps coming home saying he's played with all his friends from his old preschool. 

    I I think you should carry on doing what your doing with the haircuts. It certainly took a while, but my son soon got use to it. Have you tried having a hairdresser come to your house? We did this with our son and he sat as still as anything and now lives her coming round. Perhaps he feela safer in his own home and more relaxed away from the strange smells and noises of a barbers. 

    Im exactly like you, I don't know what to say to people when he's having a fit on the floor or has a tantrum out. People will often stare at me and tut And because his speech is so bad I've even had kids and mums come up to me asking what's wrong with him. My fear as that he will pick up on these vibes and know he's different and feel bad about it. All my family members often say I'm making something of nothing and "your sister didn't speak until ahe was 3" and so and so said he will grow out of it. I get sick of it as I know deep down there is something, just not sure what. It's a mothers instinct and I am a firm believer of going with your gut on these things. It's very lonely at times as friends and family don't really understand. I can literally say that it consumes me thinking of all the possibilities. I like you would just love to know what is wrong so I can give him the best care and help he needs xx

  • My god it's such a relief to talk to someone who understands and has the same feelings. 

    We we are in the process of getting our son assessed as everyone is a bit baffled by him. He's just started mainstream school, which we fought for 6 months to keep him back a year as he was so far behind his peers and is a summer baby. Sadly, we were forced into sending him and he also didn't get into the school his brother goes to and where all the people he knows and feel comfortable go. He's now at a school where he knows no one and is not good with change at the best of times and this has just completely thrown him. He like your son, keeps coming home saying he's played with all his friends from his old preschool. 

    I I think you should carry on doing what your doing with the haircuts. It certainly took a while, but my son soon got use to it. Have you tried having a hairdresser come to your house? We did this with our son and he sat as still as anything and now lives her coming round. Perhaps he feela safer in his own home and more relaxed away from the strange smells and noises of a barbers. 

    Im exactly like you, I don't know what to say to people when he's having a fit on the floor or has a tantrum out. People will often stare at me and tut And because his speech is so bad I've even had kids and mums come up to me asking what's wrong with him. My fear as that he will pick up on these vibes and know he's different and feel bad about it. All my family members often say I'm making something of nothing and "your sister didn't speak until ahe was 3" and so and so said he will grow out of it. I get sick of it as I know deep down there is something, just not sure what. It's a mothers instinct and I am a firm believer of going with your gut on these things. It's very lonely at times as friends and family don't really understand. I can literally say that it consumes me thinking of all the possibilities. I like you would just love to know what is wrong so I can give him the best care and help he needs xx

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