ADVICE My 3 and half year old son


I'm not sure what to really write. I guess I'm looking for some support or well anything that might help

I have two children my eldest son is coming up to 4year old and my youngest is almost 1year.

My eldest hasn't had a diagnosis as of yet 

He was hitting all normal milestone until 1years old when I started noticing he wasn't speaking for ages I put it down to so much going on with a relationship break down (having to move) and problems with eye sight witch he was then at 2years old diagnosed with duane's syndrome and given glasses. 

During this time I noticed him refusing to play with other children at play groups. Refusing to potty train. And being very repetitive with some of the world's he had learnt. 

At age 3 still not being potty trained and only seeming to join two words together (water cup) instead of saying water in a cup please. I know he can speak he knows things that you wouldn't expect.. Like the other name for a killer wale (orca). But other things started showing alot more.. If he sees a digger he fixates on it and repestes digger over and over. I finally realised I couldn't Berry my head in the sand any longer and took him to my doctors he's had countless referal and assessments but no answers as if yet. 

He has just started nursery (were about 3-4weeks in) he goes 3days a week at 5hours a day. My major concern at the moment is he has a melt down when I try and take him in.. But when I pick him up its even worse.. He will point blank refuse to leave. To the point I have to carry him out after getting him to walk he will throw himself in the road. Hurt himself by pinching or biting all while screaming at the top of his voice the whole walk home. 

My question is has anyone experienced anything like this? I also struggle to wash his hair and he will fight and scream. Has anyone experience problems with balance also.. I was thinking maybe he was just clumsy but he has manged to hurt himself (by falling over) about 6 times in one week. 

Really could use some advice as I really don't know what to do and to be honest I'm not getting any support from people that are seeing him. Sorry about the long post and thank you 

  • Hi Pixzels, 

    I really feel your pain as my son has just turned 4 and we are really struggling with him and looking at getting him assessed for autism. 

    Like your child, our son would and still does not let us wash his hair. He use not to like having his hair cut too and can't remember how many times we have been thrown out of barbers because he use to have such melt downs. It is only within the last couple of months that he's allowed me to trim a few bits of hair! I'm hoping that if I do little bits every now and again he will slowly get use to it. 

    As as for the balance issue, my son is the same. He walks and runs in a very baby like manner and is very clumsy and is always tripping over his feet. Our son has delayed motor skills which thought this might be affecting balance. He also had glue ear when he was younger which again we thought might have contributed to his imbalance. Turns out that we have now discovered he has lower muscle tone and low strength in his core muscles. His ped said this is why he is clumsy and has no balance as he hasn't got the strength yet. As for why he has low muscle tone, we still don't know and are in the process of having a lot of tests done. 

    we have decided to get our son privately assessed for autism as, like you, the professionals we see are not very helpful and often adopt a watch and wait approach. Talk to your GP to see if you can get him assessed by someone, or simply get a second option. I hope this helps and shows that you're not alone. I understand how stressful and helpless the situation can make anyone feel. Sometimes it's like banging your head against a brick wall!! X

  • Hi Pixzels, 

    I really feel your pain as my son has just turned 4 and we are really struggling with him and looking at getting him assessed for autism. 

    Like your child, our son would and still does not let us wash his hair. He use not to like having his hair cut too and can't remember how many times we have been thrown out of barbers because he use to have such melt downs. It is only within the last couple of months that he's allowed me to trim a few bits of hair! I'm hoping that if I do little bits every now and again he will slowly get use to it. 

    As as for the balance issue, my son is the same. He walks and runs in a very baby like manner and is very clumsy and is always tripping over his feet. Our son has delayed motor skills which thought this might be affecting balance. He also had glue ear when he was younger which again we thought might have contributed to his imbalance. Turns out that we have now discovered he has lower muscle tone and low strength in his core muscles. His ped said this is why he is clumsy and has no balance as he hasn't got the strength yet. As for why he has low muscle tone, we still don't know and are in the process of having a lot of tests done. 

    we have decided to get our son privately assessed for autism as, like you, the professionals we see are not very helpful and often adopt a watch and wait approach. Talk to your GP to see if you can get him assessed by someone, or simply get a second option. I hope this helps and shows that you're not alone. I understand how stressful and helpless the situation can make anyone feel. Sometimes it's like banging your head against a brick wall!! X

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