Another newbie aspie

Hi Everyone,

I'm a 47 year old woman who was diagnosed with Aspergers around 9 years ago after years of bullying in the workplace, anxiety and depression. After diagnosis I was basically left high and dry with no understanding or support apart from a very good friend. 

I've been anxious and depressed off and on ever since until things came to a head in February when my life fell apart.  But at last I've got a fantastic GP and psychiatrist who're getting me the help and support I need.  I'm very keen to learn how to cope better with it and would welcome advice and like to make friends with like-minded people. 

  • That is so very true how exhausting it is to keep a mask on all day. In my line of work I have to interact with a lot of different people all day long, and it is soooo tiring. i find just sitting in an office with other chatty people who talk all day long so tiring in itself. I am always the super quiet one as I never can think of much of anything to say.

    i completely agree about how that can all build up into heightened anxiety and depression too. Then it becomes overwhelming and feels impossible to manage. at that point, I either end up completely crashing with depression, or I am so hyper with anxiety that I cant sleep, or get so frustrated over something minor then lose my temper at someone. Then I beat myself up with guilt after too.

    it is great to meet someone who has similar experiences and shares the same feelings. And is willing to talk about it. I would be very happy help however I can as we both go through this journey.

    I saw a quote the other day that I really liked (and you might too): 'I am not falling apart, just transitioning to greatness'. I would like to think so anyway!

    Good luck with the confidence building course. I would be interested to hear more about that. I am sure it would benefit me to do something like that too.

  • That is so very true how exhausting it is to keep a mask on all day. In my line of work I have to interact with a lot of different people all day long, and it is soooo tiring. i find just sitting in an office with other chatty people who talk all day long so tiring in itself. I am always the super quiet one as I never can think of much of anything to say.

    i completely agree about how that can all build up into heightened anxiety and depression too. Then it becomes overwhelming and feels impossible to manage. at that point, I either end up completely crashing with depression, or I am so hyper with anxiety that I cant sleep, or get so frustrated over something minor then lose my temper at someone. Then I beat myself up with guilt after too.

    it is great to meet someone who has similar experiences and shares the same feelings. And is willing to talk about it. I would be very happy help however I can as we both go through this journey.

    I saw a quote the other day that I really liked (and you might too): 'I am not falling apart, just transitioning to greatness'. I would like to think so anyway!

    Good luck with the confidence building course. I would be interested to hear more about that. I am sure it would benefit me to do something like that too.

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