Autism household in full flow.

Hello everyone,

My name is Jenn, I was dx'ed a couple of years ago with ADHD and AS. I have two boys (10 & 6) both with ASD and one also has a DX of Tourette's Syndrome. I am also married to another late diagnosed Aspie, who also has Tourette's Syndrome, ADHD and other issues and a long list of co-morbids. 

We have been Indepentantly Educating our boys from home for almost the last year and I also run a business from home. 

I am here to try and see if I can help, where possible, learn from others and hopefully help give some positives to ASD.

I know ASD is not easy, but for me, I see more postives than negetigve. It certainly makes for an interesting ride:)

Well looking forwarding to reading all about everyone else and please feel free to contact me should you wish to.

All the best,


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